Page 10 of Tiger Speed Dating

“What kind of books do you write?” Michael asked. He held her gaze, his heart racing. The air was thick with chemistry, and he was sure it wasn’t just a result of the soul-bond he felt for her.

She parted her lips as though in surprise, and then smiled. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

It took more stamina than he cared to admit to hold back the possessive growl that longed to tear itself from his throat. Michael bit down on his tongue to keep himself in check and felt the sharpened points of his teeth.

She had pushed him to the edge, and it didn’t look like he was coming down any time soon.

“Listen, my name is—” Right as he was about to introduce himself properly, the bell rang.

Was it five minutes already? Michael’s eyes widened in surprise, but so did his date’s.

“No way,” she said. “Already?”

“Ladies, time to move on to your next date!” the MC announced. Other women were starting to rise from their seats—Michael heard the shuffling of feet and easy laughter. “Remember to score the gentlemen you were just seated with so you know who to come back to once the rounds are over.”

“Ah. I guess I’ll see you later,” the woman in the black dress said.

Michael hadn’t even thought to ask her name.

The connection he felt to her was making him dumb, and he hated it as much as he loved it.

She was gone before he could say goodbye, and seconds later a slender blonde took her place. She looked over Michael critically, crossed her arms, and hitched her eyebrow.

“All right,” she said, breaking the ice. “Here’s the deal. My friend you just talked to? What do you think of her?”

Well, that was certainly unconventional. Michael stared at her for a second, but now that the woman in the black dress was gone, he was able to focus and compose himself. His voice had returned to normal.

“Your friend?”

“In the black dress,” she said. “The brunette you just talked to. Do you like her?”

“Yes.” What was this conversation leading up to? Michael pursed his lips. “Why are you asking?”

“The reason is simple,” she said. “That girl is my best friend, and if you hurt her, then me and my friend over at the bar,” she pointed to a pretty girl who was smiling into her phone as she texted. “The two of us will mess you up. And trust me, we will mess you up.”

She didn’t sound particularly threatening, and Michael wouldn’t have taken her seriously if it hadn’t been for the person she was talking about.

“I don’t want to hurt her,” Michael said. “I wouldn’t. Ever.”

“Good.” She stretched back and draped her arms over the back of her the bench she sat on. The high, wooden partition behind her separated her from Jason, sitting just on the other side.

And across from Jason sat the woman Michael couldn’t get enough of.

“What’s her name?” Michael asked, desperate to know.

“You didn’t ask her?”

“No. Time ran out.”

“God, maybe I should just mess you up now.” She shook her head playfully. “My name is Tiffany, and my friend over there is Carmen, and the woman you just spoke to? That’s—”

The bell rang. Tiffany laughed and went to stand up, but Michael reached across the table and latched onto her wrist to hold her in place. “You have to tell me.”

“Abby. Abigail Collins,” Tiffany said simply. She winked and pulled her wrist from Michael’s grip. “And you’d better not forget it, mister.”

Chapter Five

“Oh my God, I’m so glad we came.” Tiffany laughed as she stumbled down the stairs. Abby reached out and caught her before she could fall, and they made their way down the rest of the steps together.