
“May I ask why?”

Because the man messed up her brain and libido, she wanted to say. “Your brother is a suspect in my investigation.”

This time, Alex’s lips stretched into an amused smile. “Of course. But Gabriel will be severely disappointed if you decline his invitation.”

“Tough luck. Nobody always gets what they want, you know?”

“Are you sure I can’t convince you to take up my brother’s offer?”

“No. Not this time.”

Alex considered.

“Is that all?” Cat asked when Alex made no move towards leaving her place any time soon.

“No.” Alex reached into his suit inner pocket and extracted a piece of paper. He pushed it across the counter.

Cat looked at it. It was a cashier’s cheque for one hundred thousand dollars, payable to her. She frowned. “What is this?”

“That one is from me personally. To drop your investigation into my brother.”

She whistled. “Bribe money?”

A light shrug. “If you prefer to call it that.”

She was stunned. “You don’t like me, do you?”

Alex’s light eyes settled on hers. “I’m not entitled to an opinion. I barely know you.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Damage control. My brother has an image he has to maintain. It’s already hard as it is, with the media assassinating his character for cheap thrills. We don’t need people like you complicating things.”

“Hunh.” Cat scratched her chin in an unladylike fashion. She pushed the cheque back towards Alex. “I don’t want your money. Take it back.”

“You’re declining both offers?”

“I’m committed to my client.”

“Is there any way I could convince you?”


“You’re a stubborn woman.”

“And you’re an annoying man. You think everything can be bought with money.”

“In this day and age, yes.”

“Well, not me.”

Alex took the cheque back and pocketed it. “I’ll be watching you.”

“I’m trembling with fear.”

“Thank you for the coffee. I’ll show myself to the door.”