“Are you serious?”

“Yes, I’m fucking serious. This is a big fat case and I want that big fat settlement. Now go and make it happen.” Sabrina hung up before Arielle could answer.

Arielle wished she could reach into the phone and strangle her boss’ thin neck. That woman was seriously infuriating. She knew Sabrina did this kind of thing for kicks. Arielle had never wished bad on anyone before, but at this very moment, she hoped a grand piano would fall on top of Sabrina. No. A grand piano was too nice. A thousand angry monkeys sounded better. A thousand angry monkeys with rabies.

Just when she was about to put her phone back into her pocket, it rang. It was Sabrina again.

“Yes?” She didn’t feel like being nice. She had exceeded her pleasantry quota for the day.

“I thought you’d like to know that Frank Darbo is going to be at a party in the Castlewhite hotel at eight. You might have better luck this time.”

“Is it a private party?”


“And how do you suppose I get in there?”

“Improvise. I’ll see tomorrow.”

Arielle seriously wanted to hurl her phone into a nearby lamp post. But she couldn’t afford a replacement if she did that. Swallowing her bitterness, Arielle marched back to the office, contemplating a new strategy.

Chapter Three

Trent didn’t feel like going out tonight, but his brother John thought it would be a good way to take his mind off his mysterious woman. Trent himself wasn’t big on partying. He preferred an intimate gathering with close friends and family. Since he had been sulking all evening, John had been bugging him to come. Trent agreed to tag along just to shut John up.

The party was being held in a posh hotel on the Upper West Side. John had been invited by his friend who was a famous Broadway producer. The two had been talking about collaborating on a modern take of King Lear. John usually only produced rock albums; he had worked with two of the biggest names in the industry and had won several Grammys. After he finished recording a new group he believed was going to be big, John took a break, and was considering taking a detour from his usual creative endeavors.

The party was in full swing when they arrived. New Yorkers loved theme parties, and the theme of this party was “Hell Frozen Over.” There was snow everywhere, but waitresses mingled around the guests in cute little devil costumes, while huge torches blazed in every corner. It was beautiful, but at the same time… unsettling.

John grabbed two glasses and sipped one. “What do you think, Trent? It isn’t that bad, is it?”

Trent wished he could muster the same enthusiasm. He sipped the drink that John handed him and grumbled unhappily.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Jesus. You’re a ray of sunshine, Trent. Did you know that?”

“If all you wanted to do all night was make fun of me, we could have stayed at home.”

“At least try and enjoy yourself. And look at those women. I think the brunette is taking a liking to you.” John switched into his usual flirty mode.

But Trent wasn’t interested in checking out any brunette. Thoughts of his mysterious lady in black filled his head. Arielle Winter. He wondered what excuse he could use the next time he saw her. She wasn’t an attorney, so he couldn’t just go to her firm and make an appointment with her.

He needed something natural. Something that wasn’t forced, like he accidentally bumped into her?

Nah, too cheesy.

Maybe he could just go to her office, bring her a bouquet of roses, and ask her out. Sometimes the old school methods were the best. Like his brother Quinn, for example. He pined over his mate for months and she was too oblivious to realize it.

Not even five minutes into the party, he and John had attracted attention from most of the women there. John enjoyed the attention and flirted with every lady in the room. A gaggle of blondes had already flocked around them. Trent resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Here we go again. He wondered why John never got tired of the chase. He wasn’t big on making small talk, or pretending to give a shit about these women when he actu

ally didn’t.

“John Alexander!”

An elegantly dressed man in his fifties called to his brother with a theatrical flourish.

“I’m so glad you made it! How nice of you to come.” The man was flanked by a pair of gorgeous blondes, one draped on each arm.

What’s up with the blondes tonight? Trent thought. They’re everywhere.