Page 15 of Dragon Hunts

“Relax, Jess,” he reminded me.

I tried.

He pushed in, shoving his hard cock into me like he had with my pussy. I shut my eyes and screamed into the bed sheet. New fire seared through me. I cried, tears leaking onto my cheeks. He paused, taking a deep breath and praising me on how good I made him feel. Despite the pleasure-pain, my heart fluttered like a butterfly.

He thrust. And pulled. Baby pushes. Small tugs. The sensation was incredible. He wasn’t lying. He delivered on his promise. And more.

At first, I thought he wasn’t going to fit. But somehow, he managed to fill me to the point that I thought I was going to explode. Then he stilled. His breath was as ragged as mine.

“Oh, Jessie, you feel so damn fucking good.”

No kidding.

He leaned against my body and started to tug and pull. His hot breath burnt my cheek. He found my hand and wound his fingers around mine.

“Move with me, Jessie.”

I ground my hips against his groin. My mind went on instant vacation. His cock slid in and out, slowly at first, and when he picked up speed he fucked me. Fast. Hard. And unyielding. The pleasure was so exquisite that I found myself tethered at the precipice of another orgasm.

“Fuck, oh, fuck,” he moaned. “Oh God, Jess…”

Declan rammed me with rapid strokes. My hips undulated, meeting him halfway. I became addicted to the new pleasure he’d introduced me to. He seized my hips and flooded me with a series of fucks to the point that I could feel only fire.

I came. Harder than ever before.

Behind me, Declan exploded in climax. He swore as his cock convulsed in my ass, pumping jets of cum into my no-longer-virginal channel.

My strength left me as I floated back to reality. I was exhausted. Declan had driven me ragged. I didn’t try to move when he pulled out of my well-abused ass. I was drifting halfway to sleep when he whispered how much he loved me.

Chapter Four

Declan woke me up at the crack of dawn. I wasn’t much of a morning person. Moreover, I felt achy and sore from the rabid fucking last night, like I’d been run over by a truck. I grumpily complied and headed to the bathroom. After a hot shower, I donned the most casual clothes I could find and joined him on the veranda. He was sitting on a lounger, nursing a cup of tea. A tray carrying a steaming pot was on the side table.

“I ordered your favourite. Indonesian black jasmine tea. Drink it while it’s still hot.”

He poured me some and I sipped it. The brew scalded my tongue, but it was so good. I blew the surface of the brew and stole a few more sips.

“Are you awake now?” he asked.

“Yeah, what’s the deal? It’s five thirty a.m.,” I whined. “I would love to get more sleep.”

“I want to take you for a morning walk to see the sunrise.”

I frowned. “You woke me up at this hour just to see the sunrise? Honestly, Declan, all sunrises have looked the same since the dawn of humanity.”

He laughed. “That’s city-girl talk. Sunrises and sunsets in this place are breathtakingly beautiful. Do you know why Bali is called the Island of the Gods?”

I blinked. I’d read the tourism brochure from the travel agent. This small island, part of some thousands in the Indonesian archipelago, was almost exclusively populated by Hindu people. And as I recalled, they worshipped a pantheon of gods, just like in India. “You tell me.”

“According to local legend, it is said that upon completing the creation of the world, Ida Sang Hyang Widhi—the king of the gods—called upon the other gods at the peak of Mount Mahameru. He said to them that they needed to forge a special place where mortals could celebrate and worship them all year long. The king of the gods ordered Sang Hyang Ananta Boga—the ancient dragon god—to embody the new island they forged. Then Sang Hyang Kurma Gni—the turtle god—joined Ananta Boga and became the foundation of the island. And finally, Sang Hyang Kala—the god of protection—finished the creation by providing soil and the sky. The king of the gods was pleased with their hard work and named the island Banua Bahru, which later became known as Bali. Since the creation, all the gods and deities under Ida Sang Hyang Widhi’s command have resided in Bali. That’s why Bali is called the Island of the Gods.”

I mouthed ‘wow’. “I didn’t know you were such an expert in local folklore.”

Declan took a small sip from the cup. “My ancestors have strong connections with the Balinese Dragon God, Sang Hyang Ananta Boga. It is said that Ananta Boga, who was also the ruler of the kingdom of the dead, wanted human offspring. He consorted with a Balinese princess and begat a half-mortal son. This son had wanderlust. He went scouring the four corners of the world for adventure for hundreds of years before finally settling in a new land called Ireland. Our family believes we are the direct descendants of that half-mortal, dragon god’s son. The name Cairne came from the dragon god’s son’s nickname—warrior of the wind. In old Sanskrit, the name was written as camuucara and pavana. Don’t ask why that became Cairne in the Irish tongue.”

My mouth fell open. “That’s a fascinating family history. You’re saying you’re a direct descendant of a dragon god?”

Declan only smiled simply. “Do I look like a dragon to you?”