‘That is correct.’

‘And would we be travelling to Venice before returning to England?’

‘But of course. We would be there now, but I felt it my duty to investigate the possibility that my brother’s child might be on this island.’

Her duty. Alessa tried to imagine her own feelings if a niece or nephew were cast adrift, alone on a foreign island. It seemed the cold English climate entered the blood if one lived there long enough.

‘I see. I had not perfectly understood. Perhaps it would be better if I made my own way directly to England?’

‘Certainly not! That would give rise to the most unfortunate comment. Naturally you will come with me to Venice and we will return together when Lord Blackstone’s mission is accomplished.’

‘But, ma’am—’

‘I will not brook any alteration to that plan. It would be most improper of you to travel alone and would cast the family in a most unfortunate light.’

‘Yes, ma’am,’ Alessa agreed meekly. I must get to England, claim Papa’s inheritance and then establish myself independently as soon as I decently may—I cannot bear to be part of such oppressive respectability.

She dropped her eyes as her aunt nodded magisterially. Why had Chance intervened in her life? Only a few days ago life had seemed so simple. Hard, but simple. There were people she loved, a living to earn, skills to perfect.

Now she had a new family she must learn to like. A whole new society to navigate and survive in, for the children’s sake. And a new love to forget. If tha

t were possible in a lifetime.

Chapter Fifteen

Chance leaned on the balustrade of the terrace and watched grimly as Alessa ran out of the front door to meet Kate Street and the two children. He had to look twice to recognise Mrs Street with her hair braided up severely under a vast bonnet and her figure laced tightly into a plain, high-necked gown. She would never look like a lady, but at least she had achieved the appearance of a respectable upper servant, and that ought to satisfy Lady Blackstone.

The children ran to meet Alessa, who bent, arms wide, to catch them both to her. Chance felt a constriction in his throat as she stood for a long moment, the children clasped tight, her face buried in their hair. God, she loves them so much. Was that why she did not have any to spare for him? He was still baffled by her vehement rejection, and so apparently was Zagrede, who apologised lavishly for misleading his friend.

‘But I asked her directly, as we walked up the hill—how could I be so mistaken?’ he lamented.

‘You were flirting with her soon enough,’ Chance had said frostily.

The Count shrugged. ‘I try to charm some answers out of her. That gets me nowhere. The lovely Alessa is at outs with the two of us, my friend.’

Now Chance stood and watched the small group approaching the front door. Alessa had one child on each side, their hands clasped in hers, and was nodding vigorously as they both spoke at once. They came to a halt just underneath where he was and her voice reached him clearly.

‘You look very smart and neat. Now remember, you must call Lady Blackstone my lady. Only speak when you are spoken to, and do not chatter. Lady Blackstone is not used to having young people in the house, so you must make a good impression upon her. Can you do that?’

All Chance could see of Dora was her head nodding energetically, curls bouncing out at the side from under her sun hat. Demetri was nodding too. ‘Should I bow?’he demanded.

‘That would be very nice. Now, time to go in.’ She turned and pulled a wry face at Kate over her shoulder. Chance shifted slightly and a small pebble fell off the stonework under his hand, falling just in front of the boy. He looked up, his brown face lighting up with his smile as he recognised Chance.

‘See, Alessa! It is my lord.’ He waved energetically and Chance waved back.

Alessa cast him a single harassed glance and shooed the children in through the front door. ‘Shh!’

Chance stared down at the empty space, so suddenly silent and still, and shivered. When he looked up, the sun had vanished behind a cloud.

Alessa marshalled her little band in the hall and practised her calm smile on the butler. ‘Is Lady Blackstone in the front parlour, Wilkins?’

‘Yes, Miss Meredith. I will announce you.’

That was more formal than Alessa had been expecting, but she followed him through the door. ‘Miss Meredith and…party, my lady.’

‘Aunt, here are the children and my companion, Mrs Street, just as I promised.’

Lady Blackstone stood up gracefully and extended a hand to Kate. ‘Mrs Street. I gather I have you to thank for the chaperonage of my niece.’