‘Peters, take those clothes from Miss Latham and show her into the White Salon. Bring her warm water and a towel for her hands. Richards, send for the doctor; the man may as well take up residence here at this rate. Wellow, have Allsop come down to the library with a shirt and my dressing robe.’ The doctor could see to him down there; no point in making a fuss and attracting the attention of the family. ‘And, Wellow, there is no need to disturb Lord or Lady Narborough or my sis—’


‘Honoria, quiet, please! Papa will hear.’

She ran across the hall to him, her eyes wide, her cheeks pale at the sight of the blood on his chest and the makeshift bandage. But being Honoria, there was excitement and vivid curiosity behind the concern. ‘What happened? And who is this?’

‘This is Miss Latham who came to my aid when I was shot,’ he said smoothly. ‘If you could just take her into the salon—’


‘Mama.’ Was he fated never to get a sentence finished? Marcus gritted his teeth and produced what he hoped was a reassuring smile. ‘I have suffered a minor flesh wound, Mama. Thanks to Miss Latham it is under control, the bleeding has stopped. I have sent for the doctor. Could you all go into the White Salon so I can get changed and Miss Latham can sit down? She has had a somewhat trying evening.’

Lady Narborough gave a little gasp at the sight of his blood-smeared naked torso, but nodded, took Honoria’s arm and smiled back at him. ‘Of course. If Dr Rowlands is on his way, I am sure there is nothing to worry about. Come along, Honoria. Miss Latham, we are so grateful for your help.’

Miss Latham coloured up, he saw. As well she might, seeing that she had shot him in the first place. It was something that she could blush, he supposed. ‘Lady Narborough, it was really the least I could do. Now, if you will excuse me, I must go home.’

‘But, Miss Latham, remember what we discussed?’ He moved to her side, smiling down at her. Her eyes widened as though he had snarled instead. Perhaps he had. ‘I really do not feel it is safe for you to do anything but stay here at the moment.’

‘Safe?’ Marcus felt a twinge of admiration for the way she held his eyes with hers. Her chin came up. ‘I see you are serious about the threat,’ she murmured, her voice dropping as she glanced sideways at the other women.

‘Not a threat. I never threaten, Miss Latham. It was a promise.’

‘You promised to keep me safe just now,’ she retorted. ‘I think.’

‘And so I will, if you stay here.’ Safe at least from whatever she was frightened of outside. Inside, he was not going to promise to keep his hands off her throat if she was not completely frank with him and soon.

‘Did you say threat, Marc?’ Honoria, her hearing as sharp as her eyes, turned in the doorway.

‘I was shot in the street, very close to Miss Latham’s house. I fear she could be in danger if she returns there so soon,’ Marcus said, urging the three women through the door of the salon.

‘Lord Narborough is ringing.’ They all turned towards the stairs as Miss Price came down. ‘I heard movement inside his room. He may be intending to come down if no one answers.’

‘He most certainly is,’ Lord Narborough said as he appeared at the head of the stairs, clad in a green silk robe, his stick in his hand. ‘I’ve been ringing for the past five minutes. What the devil is going on?’ He paused, stared at his blood-smeared son and grabbed for the banister. ‘My God, Marcus, what has happened to you?’

‘A flesh wound, nothing more. It looks worse than it is.’ Marcus reached his father before the earl’s knees gave way, his own legs feeling like sponges as he ran up the stairs. ‘Sir, come back to your room. The doctor is on his way.’ He closed his fingers on his father’s wrist unobtrusively as they walked slowly back. He did not like his colour. Behind him he heard the rustle of his mother’s skirts. ‘I’ll tell you all about it.’

Nell sat down on an upright chair, spine straight, shoulders back, as though impeccable deportment could armour her against whatever might befall her in this house. She could only hope that none of them recognized her from that first, ill-fated visit. What had happened in the carriage she could not even begin to think about. It had been too shocking, too violent, too complex to contemplate now, despite her body’s betraying shivers.

Lady Honoria sat down opposite her, eyes bright with curiosity. She was very pretty and beautifully gowned, Nell observed, and she had an air about her of barely suppressed energy. A handful, Nell had no doubt. The other woman, clad in elegant simplicity in dove-grey silk, was a few years older, Nell guessed, noticing that her gown was home-made, with taste and skill. The paid companion, perhaps?

She tugged the bell pull and came to sit beside Lady Honoria. ‘I am Diana Price, companion to Lady Honoria and Lady Verity. Tea should not be long. You were not yourself wounded in the attack, Miss Latham?’

‘No. Fortunately. It was somewhat alarming, however.’

‘Was it footpads?’ Lady Honoria asked.

‘With a pistol?’ Miss Price countered. ‘That is not their usual weapon, I would have thought.’ She frowned at Nell, puzzled. ‘What exactly happened?’

‘I was on my doorstep, about to take my keys from my reticule,’ Nell began, picking her words with care. ‘And Lord Stanegate was passing. And then there was the incident and the gun went off in the struggle and he was hit in the shoulder. Fortunately the coachman was able to get him into the carriage.’

‘Extraordinary.’ Nell’s heart sank. Lady Honoria was bubbling with excitement, too caught up in the drama to notice the gaping holes in Nell’s account. Miss Price, however, was regarding her with cool, intelligent eyes, speculation lurking in their depths.

The arrival of the butler with the tea tray was a welcome distraction. The ritual of pouring and passing reduced the encounter to a normal social occasion. Nell accepted a macaroon with real gratitude and let herself relax. It was a grave mistake.

‘But I have seen you before, Miss Latham,’ Lady Honoria said, her brow wrinkled in concentration. ‘I know I have. Now, where could that have been?’

‘I am all right, don’t fuss, my dear.’ The earl managed a smile for his wife as Marcus eased him back into his wing chair. ‘You let us talk, hmm?’