‘I think he will need it,’ put in Mary meditatively, ‘when he settles down.’

‘Flint, settle down?’ Randall frowned at her. ‘What makes you think he will do that?’

‘Oh, something Lady Sarah said. And I saw someone at his lodgings. A lady. Softly spoken, but there was steel in her, I thought.’ She flushed a little, trying to hide a smile. ‘It is just a feeling. Female intuition, perhaps.’

‘I thought you did not believe in such things?’

Her gaze slid away from the teasing light in his eyes.

‘I am a little less certain now of my beliefs.’

She was relieved that he did not question her, he merely nodded.

‘If it is so I wish Flint good fortune. He no longer needs my help, but many of my father’s natural children have been sadly neglected. I shall do what I can for them. And I shall take my seat in the House. Perhaps I can make a difference on a larger scale.’ He turned and reached for her hands. ‘It would be much easier if I had you beside me, Mary, helping me to do the right thing.’

She saw the love shining in his eyes and looked away.

‘Don’t, Randall. How can I resist you when you look at me like that?’

‘You are far too strong-minded to be swayed by any argument I might make, my dearest love, but I thought perhaps that you might be able work with me, to advise me on the best ways to improve the lives of my people.’

‘Unfair, my lord,’ she exclaimed, caught between laughter and tears. ‘You promised not to try to persuade me!’

‘With your excellent education, my love, you must know the playwright John Lyly wrote that rules of fair play do not apply in love and war.’ He pulled her into his arms. ‘Your parents married to protect you and your sister, knowing the world is a cruel and unforgiving place for those born out of wedlock. I want to marry you, Mary, to give you the protection of my name and my fortune, but if your conscience will not allow it, then I will live without a countess. I have two more brothers to carry on the succession so it is not imperative that I marry. You and I will live together in a union of love and common interests, if you prefer. Only, don’t leave me, Mary, not like this. I want you to stay, whether as my wife, my mistress or merely a friend.’ His arms tightened. ‘So tell me, do you think you might be able to help me, in any one of those guises?’

She put her hands on the lapels of his coat, suddenly shy.

‘If it were possible, I would like to be all three,’ she said, addressing the folds of his neckcloth. ‘I would like to be your wife, your mistress and your friend.’

He gave a triumphant laugh.

‘What an excellent answer, my indomitable Mary. I should have known that you would confound me.’

His lips sought hers and she clung to him, all the doubts and uncertainties swept aside as she returned his sizzling kiss with all the fervour she could muster. At last he raised his head.

‘Does this mean you will marry me?’ he asked, gazing down at her.

‘I think it does.’ She smiled up at him mistily, but even through her tears his relief and happiness were evident. ‘I will marry you, Randall, because I want to bind you to me in every way possible, because I have discovered these past weeks how much I have grown to love you. And for another reason, too.’ She put her hands on her stomach. ‘For the sake of our baby. It is very early days, but my courses have not begun.’ She saw he was staring at her and she gave a tremulous smile. ‘Yes, Randall—Justin, I am afraid we were not as careful as we thought.’

‘Oh, my dearest girl, if you are carrying our child then you will make me the happiest man on earth.’

He drew her to him again. This time the kiss was longer, deeper and when Mary next opened her eyes she found herself lying against the arm of the sofa, head thrown back while Randall pressed delicate kisses along the line of her throat. She gave a sigh.

‘I cannot believe it will be so easy,’ she murmured, shivering deliciously as his lips caressed her collar bone. ‘Your mother will be horrified by my beliefs.’

‘She already loves you for saving my life and will love you even more for your strong principles,’ he replied, nibbling her ear. ‘And I am convinced she will be only too delighted that I am marrying a respectable woman. And I intend to marry you as soon as we get to England.’

‘England.’ Mary sighed, then gave a little gasp. ‘We will have to return on your yacht. Randall, I refuse to be manhandled again—’

He put his finger against her lips.

‘You may relax, dearest, there will be no need for me to do so. You shall wear a pair of sailor’s trousers. Jack the cabin boy is about your size.’

‘W-wear trousers? That would be scandalous!’

‘You will look adorable.’ He kissed her again, heating the blood in her veins.

‘Is this wise?’ she protested half-heartedly. ‘Randall, you have only just recovered.’