He shook his head. ‘We thought there would be no engagement here—excuse me, but all I can say is that I would have you safe out of the way.’ When she looked up at him he gave a self-conscious cough. ‘Well, no, I would keep you with me, if I could, but you must think of your charges.’

‘I shall do so, my lord.’

‘Can we not be less formal when we are alone?’

‘But we are not alone, my lord.’ She glanced back at Robbins, following behind them leading their horses.

‘Do not tease me, Mary.’

‘I must tease you, if I am not to fall into a green-and-yellow melancholy over this

horrid war.’

‘It will be over soon enough.’

His cool tone flayed her nerves. When it was over he would be gone.

‘And do you think that is any consolation?’ She sank her teeth into her bottom lip. ‘I beg your pardon. We agreed, did we not? We will enjoy each other’s company for the little time you have left in Brussels.’

‘We did.’ They strolled on in silence until he spoke again, the words coming with difficulty. ‘I think it will be very hard for me to leave you, Mary.’

And I you.

She summed up a smile, determined that she would not be the weak one.

‘We come from very different worlds, Randall. Those worlds have tilted a little and brought us together, but they will right themselves again. We will say goodbye and go on as we did before.’

* * *

‘Of course.’ Randall spoke with more confidence than he felt. The looming conflict would be bloody and brutal. There was no certainty that he would survive, but if he should do so he was not at all sure that he wanted to go on as before. He was not sure he would ever want to say goodbye to Mary Endacott. He wanted her in his bed, that was true, but what he felt for her was more than that. He liked her company and when they were apart he was constantly wondering where she was, what she was doing. She said their worlds were too different, but were they? If so, surely they could not be so easy together, they could not find so much to discuss.

He stole a glance at her, studying her solemn profile, the shapely figure, enhanced by her olive-green walking dress. It was tailored to hug her waist and it accentuated the rounded swell of her breasts. He imagined the thrill of slowly unbuttoning the bodice of her gown. She would tremble as his fingers pushed aside the fine cotton chemise to reveal the soft, plump flesh beneath. How he wanted her! His arms ached to hold her but he had resolved they would be nothing more than friends, and he was too much a man of honour to go back on that. Yet he could not resist holding out his arm.

‘In the meantime, we should enjoy our time together, should we not?’

Her fingers slid tentatively on to his sleeve. He covered them with his free hand and they fluttered a little, like a trapped bird. Their steps slowed and her eyes lifted to his face, a little shy, a little anxious, but there was no doubting the invitation in them. She wanted him to seize the moment.

‘Ahem.’ Robbins’s voice floated down to them through the trees. ‘The path looks a trifle rocky up ahead, my lord. P’raps it’d be best for you to come back to the main track now.’

Mary was still looking up at him, but the warm glow in her eyes had changed to amusement. She was equally aware of what might have happened, if Robbins had not been present. But she was not disheartened. His indomitable Mary! The dark lashes swept down, veiling her eyes and she said in her matter-of-fact way, ‘Your man is quite right, Randall. We have gone far enough today, I think.’

* * *

Mary rode back beside the earl, enjoying his company, his conversation. She could not deny the ache of longing inside, but it was subdued, under control. If this was all that heaven allowed them she would be content, knowing from the look in Randall’s eyes that he felt it, too.

When they reached the Rue Haute she drew rein and reached out her hand to him.

‘Thank you, my lord. I enjoyed that, more than I thought possible.’

He caught her fingers.

‘There is a recital at the Great Concert Rooms tomorrow evening. If I am free, would you like to come with me?’

‘I should, very much. But you must not be afraid to tell me, if your duty calls you away.’

He smiled and she felt the fine spiderweb of attraction growing stronger, binding her to him.

‘Be assured I will do that. Until tomorrow then, Miss Endacott.’