‘If we could work out the secret of the tomb – and doesn’t that sound like the title of a truly gruesome Gothick novel? – then anyone else could have done so at any point between the Rector’s death and now,’ Theo pointed out. ‘It might be local smugglers who started using it again and the coin was just accidentally dropped by someone who had it in their pocket. Or it could be treason or something we haven’t thought of yet.’

There was a depressed silence. Perry absent-mindedly poured himself another glass of sherry and tossed it back in one. Will closed his eyes as though in prayer, Theo scuffed the hearthrug with his toe and Laura stared at her worn shoes and tried very hard not to think about the horror that lay in the crypt.

‘I want to go to Norwich,’ she said, startling the men. Perry dropped the stopper of the decanter with a crack.

‘You think the answer is there?’ Theo asked.

‘You want to consult the Bishop?’ Will suggested.

‘I want to go shopping. I’ve got two gowns to my name, both of them looking the worse for wear. I’ve one pair of shoes…’ To say nothing of only two changes of linen. She was too tactful to mention underwear in front of the men. ‘And I am tired of being inside here all the time.’

‘You went out this morning,’ Perry pointed out.

‘Yes, wasn’t that a delightful outing? No, I intend to go to Norwich.’

‘You might be recognised,’ Theo objected.

‘I am certain Mrs Bishop has a suitably voluminous veil I can borrow. There is no need for any of you to disturb yourselves, if I may borrow Edward or Terence, Perry.’

‘What would disturb me would be for you to be in Norwich when we have no idea of who, or what, we are dealing with,’ Theo s

napped. ‘Other than the fact that they are a killer, that is.’

‘Are you forbidding me to go?’ This was the man who had held her as she reeled from the shock of seeing that gruesome body, the man in whose arms she had dreamt of being… And, now I come to think about it, the man who tosses me onto his horse like Lochinvar without a by-your leave, orders me about, doesn’t let me finish a sentence. Oh yes, and the man with a fiancée in London. Never forget that. ‘You have no right whatsoever.’

Theo looked at her, lips compressed, brows drawn together and she scowled back. Then he gave huff of laughter and looked across at Perry. ‘You see? I have absolutely no idea.’

‘No idea about what?’ she demanded.

‘It doesn’t matter. Would you allow me to escort you to Norwich, Miss Darke?’

It was a flag of truce. ‘Very well. If you can spare the time. Thank you.’ And that was not very gracious, but it was the best she could do with her hackles still up. And why did Perry look as though he was about to choke on suppressed mirth? She switched the glower to him and he subsided.

‘I ought to come too,’ Will said, emerging from his long silence. ‘I really should speak to the Bishop.’

‘Before we break the news about their relative to the Swinburns?’ Theo queried.

‘We opened a tomb in a churchyard without authority,’ Will said, looking miserable. ‘And we have no absolute proof that that is the Reverend Swinburn down there.’

‘But it was not a genuine tomb,’ Theo protested. ‘And we did absolutely no digging, nor did we damage the tomb itself. In fact we discovered the secret catches by accident while we were studying the thing. He cannot blame you.’

‘And how many missing clergymen have there been in this area in the past fifty years?’ Perry added. ‘It has to be Swinburn.’

‘It is not a question of my behaviour,’ Will began.

‘I think it is a good idea,’ Laura said, cutting across him. ‘If we tell the Bishop first then there will have to be a proper, official, investigation and the re-opening of the crypt. If my uncle, or anyone else, has an illicit interest in it then they will have less chance of covering up any evidence that we have not yet found.’

‘True,’ Perry conceded.

‘I think we should all go to Norwich,’ Theo said. ‘Perry and I can support Will’s account to the Bishop, Laura can do her shopping and I want to write to Cal. We have no idea what the situation is about French gold and smuggling. This coin might be nothing out of the ordinary or it might be important. If anyone can find out from government sources it’s a duke, and I daren’t entrust a letter addressed to one to the local receiving office. You never know who is involved in this.’

‘Luncheon, my lord.’ Mrs Bishop looked round the door. ‘I’ve laid it out in the dining room, but if you want it in here – ’

‘No, that’s fine, Mrs Bishop, we’ll come through now.’ Perry stood up. ‘Tomorrow morning, then? We will need the carriage.’

‘Tomorrow is Sunday,’ Will said as they sat down at table. ‘I should be taking services in all three churches.’

‘And quite clearly you are in no fit state,’ Perry said firmly.