Finn slammed his fist on the table. “I don’t even know why we bothered with these interviews. You already had your minds made up.”

Bran shrugged his shoulders. “You guys don’t have to hire her just because of me. The truth is, if we don’t give her the position at Limitless, I plan to offer her a job in my branch of Phantom Enterprises. But I think her love for children will be wasted, working for a purely monetary goal. Passionate employees can accomplish great things, you know.”

Finn’s entire body sagged in his chair. No matter what, he wouldn’t be able to avoid Laurie. If Branson hired her, Finn would see her just as often at Phantom Enterprises, maybe even more. He’d be better off with her at Limitless, where they only had to interact once a year for about a month.

“I’m sorry. I won’t protest anymore. But she still has to answer the question.”

“Fair enough.” Jarrett rose and rubbed his hands briskly together. “I’ll go get Laurie and Cole.”

Bran’s hand bumped Finn’s back and slid up to rest on his shoulder. “Listen, Finn… I’ll speak to Laurie, if you want. I’ll insist she treat you with respect. I think the two of you got off on the wrong foot, but—”

“Don’t say anything to her.” Finn cut him off. The last thing he wanted was for Branson to talk to Laurie about him. “It’s not Laurie… it’s… both of us. I’m as much at fault, maybe even more. You know how I can be with women.”

“Yep, I do.”

In truth, the blame was his alone. Finn had provoked Laurie at every opportunity. No deep feelings could develop when a woman was imagining various ways to murder him. His customary ploy had worked for years, successfully keeping women at arm’s length. Except this particular woman had Finn wondering what it would be like to have her inside his arms, instead.

Jarrett threw the door open and laughter filtered inside. Cole had obviously been keeping Laurie entertained. She glided across the floor, her eyes bright with humor, a wide smile on her face. In all his interactions with Laurie, Finn had never produced such an expression. Usually, Laurie’s eyes aimed poison darts at him, her eyebrows knitted into frowns that threatened to leave permanent wrinkles behind. It was what he wanted, wasn’t it? Why did Cole’s flirtations bother him so much? In fact, if Laurie and Cole started dating, she wouldn’t be a temptation to Finn.

In a flash, he realized the solution to his problem with Laurie. Cole would be in town the next two weeks as he and Jarrett prepared for the Phantom Enterprises fiscal year report. He and Laurie were obviously compatible. All Finn had to do was push them together. He ignored the sharp pang in his chest. Yes… this is going to work.

Laurie watched the office door from the corner of he

r eye. During the wait, Cole had kept her entertained, telling one tale after another of his exploits in Texas—the last involving a rather unfortunate attempt on his part to ride a rodeo bull.

“The moral of the story is,” Cole had stated, breathless with laughter, “just because you can afford it, doesn’t mean you should do it.”

But though his stories were entertaining, a part of her mind kept spinning, processing what had just happened in the interview room. One thing was absolutely certain—she couldn’t possibly work at Limitless or Phantom Enterprises or anywhere within a five-block radius of Finn Anderson. One look at those mesmerizing blue eyes, and every bit of her insides melted, including her brain. She hadn’t even been able to come up with a single snappy comeback. Not that she liked him, beyond that physical spark. In fact, it was quite the opposite. He got under her skin in an irritating way—like a splinter.

As the door cracked open, Jarrett’s face appeared, his white teeth shining against tanned skin. “We’re ready for you.” She followed him inside with lead feet, wishing there was some way to avoid another confrontation. There was little hope of that, with Finn around.

To salvage the last of her dignity, she needed to withdraw her application. Finn was right. Though his calloused comment hurt her feelings, he’d merely stated the obvious… she lacked the qualifications for the job. She had to admit she wouldn’t have made it to the interview stage except for her relationship with Branson’s wife and daughter.

“Gentlemen,” she said, stopping well short of her previous place at the table. “I appreciate your efforts, but I think we all know this is a waste of time. I think I should be going.”

“Please don’t leave, Laurie. I apologize for what I said earlier. I was completely wrong.”

Was that really Finn talking?

Either he was a fantastic actor, or he was actually contrite. He was turning into a regular Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. One minute he wanted her there, the next he didn’t.

“No need to apologize, Mr. Anderson. You’re absolutely right. I don’t have the qualifications for this position, being fresh out of school. I need to find some sort of entry level job.”

“We have an important question for you.” Jarrett pushed his dark hair out of his face with one hand, motioning her forward with the other.

Cole herded her down the table and held her chair out, staring pointedly until she took a seat, though she made her reluctance obvious.

“We have an issue right now, and we’re trying to work out a solution. It involves your potential position, so we wanted your feedback.” Branson’s expression was serious, and Laurie couldn’t help feeling flattered that they would ask her opinion.

A glance at Finn gave her the shock of her life, as his lips curved into an encouraging smile, accompanied by a nod of his head. Maybe he’s happy because he thinks I’m going to give a stupid answer.

Bran continued. “We’re actually underfunded for this particular position right now, so we’re debating how to handle it. We’re considering several alternatives. For instance, we could take some more money out of the endowment to pay your salary, in hopes that we could pay it back with the next big fundraiser. The problem is we’ve done that the past couple of years and the endowment is dwindling. Another thought is to decrease the amount that goes to research or children’s camps and leave the endowment alone. But we’re open to suggestions, and we thought you might have some ideas. The problem is, we need someone doing this job, or we’ll lose even more funding and all the programs will suffer.”

Laurie opened her eyes wide. “You’re telling me Limitless is in financial trouble? And the four of you can’t come up with enough money to keep it funded?”

“The amount of money we’re talking about is huge.” Jarrett avoided her gaze, his hand rubbing the back of his head. “We can’t do it on our own. Not without the fundraising arm of Limitless. Which one of those solutions seems better to you?”

“None of them.” She pushed back from the table, ready to stand up and stomp out. I’m not going to get this job, so I might as well speak my mind. “You can’t take more money out of the endowment, and you can’t cut back on the programs. How could you even suggest it? We’re talking about people’s lives, here.” Incredulous, she glanced from one blank face to the other. No one met her eyes. Her jaw clenched down so hard she had to talk between her teeth. “I have to say, I’m really disappointed. I thought Limitless was the whole reason Phantom Enterprises existed, but here you sit in this luxurious building, wearing expensive clothes and talking about cutting programs.”