“I know. I know.” With his eyelids closed, his fingers massaged his temples in concentric circles. “I’ll tell Branson we tried, but you can’t work with me. He’ll have to understand. If Jarrett doesn’t come back—”


He stopped talking and stared at her, blinking like someone had taken a flash picture. “What?”

“We can make it work.”

His head was already shaking back and forth. “I don’t think so. That earlier conversation… that was me trying really hard not to be offensive, and you saw how long it lasted.”

“Yeah, but it’ll be okay.”

“How can you believe that after all the things I said?”

What answer could she give him? She didn’t even understand it herself. She just had the feeling she ought to give him the benefit of the doubt.

“We’ll figure it out. Either we learn to get along, or we cancel the LA Fundraiser. Neither of us wants that to happen.”

“It’s not going to work.”

Laurie watched the muscles working along his jaw, his brow furrowing deeper. His eyes held an emotion she recognized… fear. She took a drink of water and sat back, crossing her arms. “I’ll agree to treat you with respect because you’re my boss, but I’m not going to back down. Any time you make an inappropriate remark, I’ll blast you off your feet.”

“I’m always inappropriate. I’m probably the most inappropriate man you know.”

She considered his claim. Only her father had been more offensive than Finn Anderson. But unlike her father, Finn didn’t seem intent on bullying everyone around him just because he had money and fame. Finn’s remarks seemed to have the singular purpose of driving people away, rather than controlling them.

“Then we’ll butt heads,” she said. “A lot. We’ll have headaches.”

“I’m not going to change.”

“Ha! Me, neither.”

“A temporary truce?”

“More like a lull in the battle.”

Twin dimples flashed for an instant. It felt like a victory.

His response was so soft she couldn’t understand most of his words, but she picked up two… “bad idea.”

Chapter 4

I was kind of hoping I might be able to get rid of this PICC line.” Finn gave Dr. Rheed his most devastating smile.

She showed no sign she’d heard him as she continued to listen to his lungs through her stethoscope. “Deep breath, please… Again… Again…”

“Did I mention how much I like your new hairstyle?”

“That won’t work with me, Finn.”

“What?” he asked, in an innocent tone.

“Other women may fall at your feet, but you’ll find I’m not swayed by your flirtations.”

“I know. That’s why you’re my doctor. But I really am doing well. Maybe it’s time to scale back the meds a bit.”

Her expression serious, she took the stethoscope out of her ears to hang it around her neck. “Finn, I agree, you’re doing well. Your weight is stable. Your lungs sound better than I hoped after that last bad infection. That’s why I’m recommending we keep everything the same for now. I’ll run some tests in three months, at your next appointment. We can move the line if it gets irritated.”

“Three months?” His stomach fell.