What was left of her hopes went up in smoke. She and Branson could never be together. He wasn’t like Jeff. Bran would never abandon his child. She tried to keep an impassionate expression, though she felt like dying. It would’ve been better if Bran had never said those sweet things to her. If only she could forget his words. Instead, the scene would replay over and over in her brain, reminding her of what she almost had.

Finn stood, his shoulders stiff, stomped to the bed and picked up the sonogram, studying the image as if he could detect her subterfuge. His tone was accusing. “How far along are you?”

She hesitated. “Twenty-two weeks.”

Steph’s eyes dropped to Carina’s flat abdomen. It wasn’t fair she was that far along and not showing, but tall women had an advantage. With her short torso, Steph’s tummy started expanding early, almost the day she conceived.

“I’m not surprised.” Jarrett counted on his fingers. “I have four older sisters, six nieces and two nephews, so I learned more than I ever wanted to know about pregnancy and childbirth. I noticed you ordered a salad at lunch, but only ate saltines. My youngest sister lived on saltine crackers the first twelve weeks she was pregnant.”

“Exactly. Is that enough proof for you?” Carina pushed her already-plumped-up lips into a pout.

“It’s not us you have to convince—it’s Branson.” Finn offered a hand to Jarrett, who rose from his comfortable chair with a reluctant wince. Finn continued, “You can explain everything to him tomorrow morning, assuming he’s awake and in his right mind. He’ll decide whether or not he wants to file charges.”

With disheveled hair and his tux coat across his arm, Jarrett moved to stand beside Cole. “Wonder if he’ll do it.”

Finn shrugged. “Who knows?”

“You think Branson would press charges against the mother of his child? No way,” Carina scoffed. “Once he finds out he’s going to be a father, I expect he’ll decide to make good use of that marriage license while we’re here in Vegas.”

Stephanie exchanged a glance with Finn. It was even more impossible than he knew.

“Still no reason to do it here, this weekend,” Finn argued, leaning over the bedside to stare at his friend, whose chest rose and fell in peaceful sleep. “I know Branson, and he doesn’t like being pressured into anything.”

“Why didn’t you tell him before, Carina?” Jarrett asked. “You must’ve known for a while.”

“I had personal reasons,” she answered, tersely. “The important thing is I’m pregnant with Branson’s child, and we should get married immediately.”

“You’re not considering an abortion?” asked Cole in an acid tone.

“I suppose I might, if Branson doesn’t marry me. I’m not planning to be a single mom.”

Cole’s face reddened. He whipped around and strode toward the door. “That’s it. I’m outta here. See you guys later.”

“Cole, wait!” Jarrett went after him, and the door closed behind them.

“What’s wrong with him?” Carina asked.

“None of your business.” Finn took off his tux coat and laid it across the chair. Then he sat on the footstool and untied his shoes, kicking them off.

“What are you doing?” Carina asked, crossing her arms.

“Getting comfortable.” He took off his tie and began to unbutton his shirt, exposing a well-muscled chest. “I’m spending the night on that couch.”

“We don’t need you anymore,” she argued. “Bran is fine. I’ll stay with him while he sleeps it off.”

Finn’s answering glare was fierce. “After what you did tonight, there’s no way I’m l

eaving my friend alone with you. So you might as well go to your room and get your beauty sleep.”

Stephanie’s tense muscles uncoiled. With Finn on guard, Branson wouldn’t reveal their secret—at least not to Carina. As the adrenaline faded from her system, she remembered she’d come next door with wet hair and no makeup. In contrast, Carina appeared as fresh as when she first emerged from her room for the evening.

Steph’s hands snaked up to smooth her damp tresses, and she tucked her chin toward her chest. Pushing up on her crutches, she hobbled toward the bedroom door. “Guess I’ll head back to bed, since the crisis is averted.”

“Don’t leave yet. I want to speak to you alone.” Finn sent a pointed look toward Carina.

“You can’t make me leave,” Carina sputtered, her cool composure cracking.

Finn’s expression hardened to granite, and Steph caught a glimpse of the formidable man who’d built a multi-billion-dollar empire, along with his friends. She shuddered, glad his fury was aimed at Carina instead of her. “Try me,” he growled.