“Have you mentioned anything to Carina about letting us have Lilly on a perm

anent basis? Do you think, maybe…” Stephanie bit her lip. She’d tried not to get attached, but it was impossible.

“One day at a time, Steph. That’s all we can do. Right now, Lilly’s here more days than she’s with Carina. We can be thankful for that. We may never get full, legal custody. We knew that from the start.”

“But I didn’t know how hard it would be.” She sniffed, wishing she wasn’t so emotional.

His awesome abs flexed as he bent to kiss her forehead while holding Lilly in his arms.

“You’re incredible, Steph. Do you know that? I still can’t believe you’d want to care for Carina’s child, after all that happened. You’re the most selfless person I know.”

“I still get mad at Carina, but Lilly’s your sister—a sweet, innocent baby. It’s impossible not to love her. I still worry your dad’s gonna find a way to use Lilly to hurt you. Like he may suddenly decide to assert his parental rights and take her away.” Steph pushed her chin forward, pursing her lips. “It’s too bad he ended up with financial penalties instead of going to prison.”

“He got hit where it hurt most—in his pocketbook and his pride. He lost control of his company, and his friends disappeared like roaches running from the light.”

Steph tilted her head, squinting at him. “How do you know what roaches do in the light?”

He lifted one shoulder. “I read a lot.”

He still surprises me.

Bran’s lips pressed together in a flat line. “But I refuse to let my dad keep me from being a part of Lilly’s life.”

A knock on the door barely preceded it flinging open. “Dad-dy,” Ellie sang his name. “It’s Saturday. Will you make chocolate chip waffles for breakfast?”

“That depends,” Branson said, pretending to debate the question, though he cooked them every Saturday without fail. “Are you gonna get all the ingredients out for me?”

“I already did.” Ellie bounced on her toes and grabbed his elbow, tugging him from the room. “Come on.”

He let her drag him out, grabbing a t-shirt from the hook on the back of the door.

Darn. He’s gonna cover up that six-pack.

After a leisurely shower, Stephanie emerged from the bedroom. Branson, adorable in his apron and chef’s hat, was busy in the perfectly ordered kitchen, producing heavenly smells that wafted throughout the room and elicited a grumble from Steph’s tummy.

“Where is everybody? Finn hasn’t gotten here yet?” Steph leaned back against the kitchen counter, watching Branson bustle about.

“Finn’s here. He already ate a half dozen waffles. Ellie dragged him back into the playroom, and Laurie’s putting Lilly down for a nap.” Bran unplugged the waffle iron and wiped his hands on his apron. “I waited to eat with you.”

“A romantic breakfast for two?”

He moved in front of her, placing his hands on either side of her swollen belly, and leaned over to kiss it. “Breakfast for three. How’s my boy today?”

“Ford has been pretty quiet, lately. Oh! Did you feel that? First time I’ve felt him move today. I think he responds to your voice.”

“I felt it. I can’t wait to see him in person.” He grinned, planting another kiss on her tummy. Then his expression turned serious. “Are you really okay with all this? We already have Ellie, and Ford will be here in two weeks. Maybe we need to tell Carina to get a full-time nanny. With the money she got in the settlement, she can afford it.”

“I’m fine. I’m more than fine.” She put her hands over his, where they rested on her tummy. “Just the fact you love Ellie would be enough to make me happy. Now, we’re gonna have a baby together. I can hardly believe how blessed I am. And Lilly is like a ray of sunshine—a perfect gift.”

Bran’s hands moved to caress her face. “You really are the most beautiful woman in the world.”

Her heart warmed. “You always make me feel that way.”

“You know what?” Brans tone turned sultry. “We have a few seconds together.”

“Probably not long.” Steph glanced down the hallway toward the nursery. “They could come back any minute.”

“We have long enough to do this…” His hand slid behind her head, and she lifted her chin toward him. His lips descended, worshiping hers, as hungry as the first time they kissed. She shuddered at the fiery touch of his fingers, lightly tracing the outlines of her face.