Fordham clapped him on the back, his lips making a wobbly smile. “That’s why you’re getting the stocks. You’re stubborn as a mule, but eventually you learn.”

Steph stood on her toes to give Fordham a kiss on the cheek. “I have a feeling I owe you a lot,” she whispered.

“For the stocks?” His brows lifted.

“No, I mean for making Branson into the man he is. You’re the best father he could ever have. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”

Fordham returned the kiss on her forehead. “You just did.”


(Eleven months later)

Morning, Sleepyhead.” Bran’s warm lips pressed against her cheek.

Stephanie stretched and rubbed her eyes open to find her husband standing next to the bed, an affectionate smile on his face. Cradled in his muscular arms, a sleeping baby wriggled against his bare chest.

“That would make a sweet picture,” she said, blinking at sudden tears.

“I tried to let you sleep in as long as possible. I know you were up a lot last night.”

“Your baby sister has her days and nights mixed up. She’s determined to give me dark circles under my eyes.”

“Did you hear that, Lilly?” He bent to kiss the baby’s soft curls. “You mustn’t keep Steph awake at night. What’s that? You’re excited because it’s your four-month birthday? I understand, but Stephanie needs her beauty sleep.”

“It’s not like Lilly’s the only reason I have dark circles.” She smiled, thinking Branson was even more attractive when he was holding a baby. Something about a brawny man showing tenderness just tugged at the heart strings. “Anyway, I can catch cat naps today. You’re the one who has to go to work and keep our family fed.”

“Did you forget it’s Saturday?”

“Saturday!” She threw off the covers. “Finn’s coming over to tour the apartment, and it’s a wreck.”

“Relax.” He pushed her back against the pillows. “Stay in bed and drink your coffee. I put it on the bedside table. Laurie said she’d get the place ready for Finn’s visit.”

Steph groaned. “What’s she going to do? Set up booby traps for him?”

He snorted with laughter, startling Lilly, but managed to rock her back to sleep.

Their new home, the entire upstairs of a converted warehouse, was huge by New York City standards. Branson had divided it into two apartments—a large one for them and a small one for Laurie, next door.

“Are you and Finn stepping on each other’s toes, now that you work in the same building all the time?” Stephanie rearranged the pillows, so she could sit up. “This is the most time you’ve ever spent together.”

“Not really.” Branson shrugged his scrumptious, broad shoulders, and Steph smiled, enjoying the view. “I’ve always had a private office suite here, just like the others. We each handle our part of the business, as usual. Honestly, I only run into him once or twice a week, unless we schedule a conference call with Cole and Jarrett.”

“Wish the other three guys were married, too.” She lifted the coffee mug and breathed in the rich aroma before taking a swallow. “Think how fun it would be if you all had babies at the same time.”

Bran’s lips stretched in a grimace. “Whatever you do, don’t say that out loud. Those guys are afraid to commit to a second date, much less marriage. If you suggest having kids, they’ll probably move to Antarctica.”

“I was hoping they’d all move to New York City, with us.”

“Doubt you’ll blast Cole out of Texas. And Jarrett isn’t about to give up skiing 150 days a year.”

“Guess we’re lucky Carina’s in love with New York—she was happy to move, even though she has a love/hate relationship with me.” Steph drank some more coffee before setting her mug down.

“Carina can’t figure you out,” he said. “She knows how horrible she was to you, but you’ve been nice to her. She’s jealous of you, but she loves that you take care of Lilly, so she can pretend she’s not a single mom.”

“How is her latest boyfriend? Think he’ll last more than two weeks?”

“Doubt it.” Bran rocked back and forth, soothing Lilly as she began to fuss.