Steph couldn’t help feeling sad for Martin, whose face turned so white she thought he might pass out. “How dare you! Do you know who I am?”

“If you come along quietly, we won’t have to use the cuffs, Mr. Knight.”

The two men ushered Bran’s still-protesting father from the room. Silence covered the room like a funeral pall. Reagan Cooper looked like he’d eaten something that had spoiled weeks ago. Pivoting on one foot, Branson faced the board members and cleared his throat.

“If you voted with my father, it’s time for you to leave. I expect your resignations on my desk in twenty-four hours. Stephanie, do you have the list?”

Steph retrieved the list on her laptop and read off the names she’d recorded during the vote.

When one of those named muttered an objection, Branson added, “Don’t forget that every meeting has a digital video recording.” He pointed toward the window, and Steph redirected his arm until his finger was aimed at the camera.

“Thanks, sweetheart.” He beamed at her, as if his father hadn’t just torn a huge hole in his soul. “We make a great team, don’t we?”

She felt a little thrill that he used her pet name in public. While half the board members filed out, Branson called someone on his cell.

When the door closed behind the last person Branson put his phone away and rubbed his hands briskly together. “That’s it. The meeting’s adjourned, but don’t leave yet.”

“But Mr. Knight?” Ester Martel raised her hand. Then she seemed to remember Bran couldn’t see and lowered it, her face reddening. “What are we supposed to do?”

Still worried that some traitors might not have been detected, Steph continued to note the nervous reactions of the remaining board members.

Steph could see the tension of the past two weeks was finally gone when a wide smile split Bran’s face. “Stay for the party.”

The door opened again, and Finn’s face appeared. “Are you ready, Bran?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

“What’s going on?” Steph stopped, her fingers still poised over her laptop keyboard. “Why is Finn here?”

Strains of music began to play over the room’s audio speaker, and a deep voice sang, with thick vibrato. “Wise men say… Only fools rush in…”

“What’s going on, Bran? Why are you playing Elvis music?”

Branson lifted her by the elbow and edged her away from the table until they stood, facing the door on the other end of the room. “I thought Ellie ought to see it in person.”

Right on cue, Ellie stepped inside, dressed in a beautiful coral chiffon dress, and carrying a basket with a white ribbon. She took a few halting steps, before breaking into a run. She crashed into Steph’s arms, sending rose petals flying.

“Mom, I got to skip school and I got a new dress and—”

“Shhh…” Branson was on his knees, his hand on Ellie’s shoulder. “Remember… don’t spoil the surprise.”

Ellie’s arms switched from Steph’s waist to Branson’s neck, and he lifted her up, securing her on his hip.

Laurie came through the door in a simple satin gown, the same color as Ellie’s. Stephanie knew without a doubt Laurie had chosen the dresses, since it was her favorite color—simultaneously contrasting with her dark skin and making it glow.

“Traitor,” Steph whispered, as Laurie took her place beside her. “How long have you known about this?”

Her dark eyes sparkled with humor as she shot back, “Not as long as you waited to tell me you got married in Vegas.”

As Elvis’ voice continued to croon over the speakers, Finn, Cole, and Jarrett strolled inside. Finn wore what Steph now recognized as his customary expression—a grin that said he was in the midst of a great practical joke, which seemed to be his ultimate goal in life.

When Fordham materialized in the doorway, Steph expected him to follow the other men down the aisle. Instead, he motioned with his hand at someone out in the hallway. Who else are we expecting? Hopefully, not Carina. She’s been a lot nicer lately, but I don’t want her at my wedding.

The first thing Steph saw was a mass of red curls, then a blue velvet dress with an ample bosom spilling out below massive shoulders.

“Priscilla?” Steph slapped both hands over her mouth. “Oh my gosh! Branson, what have you done?”

As Priscilla moved forward, Steph could see Billy waltzing toward them, microphone in hand, poured into a white bell-bottomed suit that sparkled in the conference room lights. George followed behind, beaming with excitement, probably because Bran had paid them more than the chapel made in a year.