Steph kissed each of his eyelids. “You know what I love about you?”

“Tell me,” he mumbled, while nuzzling her neck in the most distracting way.

“I can’t think when you’re doing that,” she complained.

“Are you saying I make you mindless with desire?” His eyebrows bobbed up and down.

“Ha! Yes, but that’s not the reason I love you. It’s because you give to people who can’t give back. People like me.”

“You’re so wrong. You’ve given me more than you’ll ever know,” Bran declared. “You’ve given me hope. You’ve given me a reason to live. You’ve—”

“Ah… excuse me.” Finn broke into their conversation, leaning against a pillar and tapping his foot. “Are we about finished here? I think you’ve established that she’s given you lots of stuff. But you’re giving me a headache.”

“You could go away and stop eavesdropping,” Steph suggested.


sp; “Or,” Finn countered, “You could wrap up this mutual admiration session and we could all go to lunch.”

“Put your fingers in your ears,” Branson said, “because I’ve got one more thing to say.”

“Just kill me.” Finn rolled his eyes and covered his ears with his hands.

“I can’t promise a life without problems or stress.” Bran smoothed her hair away from her face. “But I can promise my love is bigger than those things. We’ll run, not to get away from our trouble, but for the joy of running. We’ll fly away, not to hide, but to find grand adventures. In each other’s arms, we’ll escape the world. Hand in hand, we’ll face it.”

The breeze felt cool on her damp cheeks. “That’s so beautiful.”

“I think I’m going to be sick,” Finn goaded. “Maybe you two should get a room.”

Branson smiled and pressed his ravenous lips to hers. “That’s an excellent idea.”

Chapter 25

I don’t understand why you can’t just tell people we’re married. Wouldn’t that take care of everything?” Steph paced around Branson’s bedroom like a lion in a cage. At the estate, only Laurie and Fordham knew the truth, so Steph and Bran had to sneak around like teenagers in order to be together. “It’s been a week, already. I hate keeping it a secret.” And it makes me feel insecure, but I don’t want to sound needy.

“Come here.” Branson sat up against the headboard and patted the bed beside him. “Please?”

Yanking her gaze away from his well-muscled chest, she climbed in bed and snuggled against him. “I’m still waiting for an answer, Bran.”

He ignored the question. “I love this sexy outfit you have on. This baggy sweatshirt is my absolute favorite. What color is it?”

“Grey.” She held back a chuckle, biting her lips.

“Grey—that’s my favorite color. I like it so much better than red or green or pink or black. Did you put this on just for me?”

“Just for you.” She couldn’t keep the corners of her mouth from curving up.

“I knew it. You’re the best. Have I told you I love you, yet today?”

“No,” she answered, though it wasn’t true. He’d said those words at least ten times since the sun rose that morning, but she knew it was the answer he wanted.

“E-gads! I’ve been remiss. I hereby proclaim that you, Stephanie Knight, Guardian of My Heart, are the love of my life.”

“Hmmm… I’m not sure saying I’m the love of your life is the same as saying you love me. After all, one is passive and the other is active.”

“You’re so right.” His voice dropped an octave and filled with gravel. “I much prefer the active kind of love to the passive kind.” He nuzzled behind her ear, kissing along her jaw and making stars explode under her eyelids.

She pushed his face away. “Stop distracting me. I want to know why the marriage still has to be a secret.”