“Huh? What?”

“I said I wish you’d quit talking about the wedding.”

“You’re kidding, right?” He closed his book, shoulders sagging. “Since you’re the one bringing it up?”

“Of course I’m kidding. I want to talk about it. I need to talk about it. I’m legally married, and I haven’t been able to tell a soul about it. Do you have any idea how hard it’s been for me? It would be hard for anybody. But for me, it was excruciating. Look at me, I’m so desperate to talk about it, I’m forcing a bored man I hardly know to listen to me.”

Finn chuckled. “Can’t claim you hardly know me. We dated for a while.”

“True. We were quite an item for a few hours.”

“And, I was practically the best man at your wedding.”

“The accidental wedding to a man who was engaged to someone else. The marriage I’ve had to keep secret forever.”

Finn tilted his head, scrunching his nose. “It’s only been a week.”

“The longest week in history!” she ranted. “I got married, got a stomach virus, got attacked by my ex-husband and rescued by my current husband, quit my job, moved to a house to which the furry and six-legged inhabitants refused to relinquish the rights, and drove all the way to New York City in a car so full of stuff we could barely squeeze inside. So I was in the car for fourteen hours with my best friend, and I couldn’t even tell her I was married.”

“Why didn’t you just tell her?”

“Because...” Steph slapped her armrest. “Branson said we weren’t telling anyone. Then he up and told you all about it. Out of the blue. Why does he get to do that?”

“Guess you can tell Laurie, now.”

“Oh my gosh. She’s gonna be so mad I didn’t tell her when it happened. I may just keep it a secret until we get divorced, rather than face her fury.”

“Yeah.” His smile spread so wide all his teeth showed. “Laurie’s a ball of fire.”

“You did a number on her last night. I’ve never seen her so bent out of shape.”

“It was awesome fun.” His dimples flashed in impish fashion.

“She’s a good friend in a tight spot. But be careful… you don’t want to be on her bad side.”

“I’m willing to risk it.” One eyebrow kicked up on his forehead. “From what I’ve seen, she doesn’t have a bad side.”

Finn’s reaction made Steph wonder exactly what had transpired while she was putting Ellie to bed. She jotted a mental note to question Laurie as soon as she got the chance.

“This wedding mess is all your fault, Finn. You and that stupid idea about the marriage certificates. None of this would’ve happened, if it weren’t for you.”

“You’re welcome,” he bantered. “I accept gift cards and money orders.”

She shoved his arm. “It’s not funny. Do you know how complicated you’ve made our lives?”

“I can’t take all the credit.” He slapped his hand over his heart in mock humility. “I couldn’t have done it without the help of my leading lady… Destiny.”

She battled to keep an answering smile away. “Are you ever serious?”

“Hardly.” His mouth twisted to one side. “Only for the big stuff. You know… hurricanes, earthquakes, Bubonic Plague… that sort of thing.”

Finn returned to his paperback and left Steph alone with her thoughts. She flipped through a book on her phone, though none of the words registered with her brain.

“One more question.” She tapped Finn’s shoulder. “How upset was Branson when he called you last night?”

This time Finn didn’t smile. “I told you. He sounded depressed.”

“Had he been to the gym?”