“It would never have happened.” Bran sat up in bed and threw his feet over the side. “Not after I realized—” He stopped in mid-sentence, before accidentally revealing too much. Only Finn knew the truth about Stephanie.

“I assume you were about to say something regarding Ms. Caldwell. Am I correct?”

“Fordham, sometimes it’s creepy when you read my mind like that.”

“I’m no mind-reader, Mr. Knight. The entire staff is well-aware of your foul mood, which has risen in direct correlation with the length of time since Stephanie resigned as your personal assistant.”

“She’ll be difficult to replace,” Branson muttered, as he trudged into his closet to find his clothes.

“I agree. And as such, I’d recommend you not do so.”

“I need an assistant, Fordham. You can’t do all the things Steph did for me.” Branson raised his voice to be heard outside the closet.

“Nor would I ever desire to do so,” he replied, drolly. “I’m afraid I’m not physically attracted to you, in the least.”

“Very funny.” Bran didn’t affirm or deny Fordham’s implication as he emerged from the closet, with his shirt unbuttoned, and sat down to put on his socks and shoes. “What am I supposed to do, if I can’t replace her?”

“What to do. Indeed, that is the question. Perhaps you should anticipate your father’s next move.”

“Next move? He’s already played his hand.” The moment Bran made the statement, he realized how shortsighted he’d been. Of course his father wouldn’t make a play without a backup plan.

“Though the game may be over for you, I seriously doubt your father feels the same. I’ve been vigilant on your account, but he’s escalated the scope of his attack. I believe Jeff Caldwell’s appearance is a prime example.”

“Stephanie’s ex? Think Dad had something to do with that slimeball showing up here?”

“Seems more probable than not. We know Carina contacted him at some point.”

“Caldwell’s in custody now,” Bran mused, as he buttoned his shirt.

“Makes one wonder what your father will do next, in an attempt to hurt the one you love.”

Fordham’s contemplative words sent a shudder of dread down Bran’s spine. He didn’t bother to defend against Fordham’s assumption that he was in love with Stephanie. He could only wonder how far his father would go in a game that was spinning out of control. What Branson had started, in an effort to prove himself to his father, had now put Stephanie and Ellie in danger. Did his dad know where she was? Bran’s heart accelerated, breaths coming faster. He had to warn Stephanie. He retrieved his cell phone then remembered Steph had blocked him. Instead, he dialed Finn, but the call went to voicemail. His fingers trembled as he pushed them through his hair.

“Mr. Knight,” said Fordham. “I believe you’ve misbuttoned your shirt.”

“Never mind that.” Bran leapt to his feet. “Fordham, contact my pilot. Tell him we’re leaving for New York in fifteen minutes.”

“An excellent plan, Mr. Knight.”

Branson could hear the smile in Fordham’s voice. It matched the one on his own face. I’m bringing Stephanie home.

“I still can’t believe he told you about the wedding,” Steph commented over the low rumble of jet engines.

Finn glanced up from his paperback. “I think he let it slip because he was upset about his dad.” His eyes twinkled. “Where are you going for your honeymoon?”

“Stop it. It’s not a real marriage.”

“It was a real wedding. So it could be a real marriage, if you wanted.”

“That’s not why I’m going to see him.”

“If you say so.” He turned back to his book.

“Really. I mean it.”

“Okay.” Finn mumbled the way people do when they’re pretending to listen but actually paying attention to something else altogether.

“Finn? Did you hear me?”