“Hey, Finn.” He didn’t wait for his friend to respond. “I planned to call this afternoon and give you another update. It’s just like we thought. A lot of activity on the Escapade stocks. Someone’s been buying them up under the umbrella of various shell companies. Fordham hasn’t been able to prove my father’s behind it… not yet.”

“What about Carina? Is she wrapped up in the Escapade deal, or is that a coincidence?”

“No way to tell. The information she gave on the Parker-Aston stocks was bogus. But she claims she lied to talk me into rushing the marriage because she didn’t want me to find out she was pregnant. She’ll be here in a few minutes, and I’ve basically got nothing.”

“Your life is so screwed up right now.” Finn gave an audible sigh. “I gotta ask you, Bran. How did this happen? You’re so careful about everything. I can’t even understand why you would go out with Carina, much less sleep with her.”

“She was different when we first started dating. She can be charming when she wants to.” The ever-present knots in Bran’s intestines drew tighter. “But the few times we slept together, I took precautions.”

“So maybe the baby isn’t yours?” Finn’s voice was hopeful.

“I wish I knew. The timing is right, though. Twenty-two weeks would’ve been the last time we were together. Guess I can’t prove anything until the baby comes. And meanwhile, I’m losing my personal assistant over this.”

“Your personal assistant?” From his harsh tone, Finn’s exasperation was obvious. “If that’s all Stephanie is to you, I’ll send you a list of qualified applicants to replace her. You can have a new employee in that position by tomorrow.”

All the feelings Bran had been pushing into the background tumbled out at once, covering him like an avalanche of depression.

“I love her,” Bran whispered, though admitting it aloud felt like salt on his raw emotions.

“Finally!” Finn declared, then paused, making a funny sound in his throat. “Which brings me to the reason I called. Stephanie contacted me this morning, asking for a job.”

“What?” Bran took a swig of coffee, wincing when he realized it was tepid. He swallowed anyway, needing the caffeine boost. “I assume you already turned her down. Why would she call you, in the first place?”

“Uhmm… Eh-hem…” Finn’s voice was barely audible. “Maybe because I kind of promised her a job if she needed it.”

“I can’t believe this!” Bran exploded. “You’re supposed to be my friend.”

“I was thinking it’d be a good thing if she worked for me. At least I could keep tabs on her, and you’d know she was okay.”

Bran replied with a word Stephanie wouldn’t have liked.

“Okay,” Finn remarked, a hint of humor back in his voice. “Something tells me you’re a bit unhappy.

“She doesn’t need to go anywhere.” Bran felt like hitting something. Or someone. He resolved to go back to the gym and skip dinner. “I plan to keep paying her salary. I’m going to take care of her and Ellie, no matter what.”

“Perhaps you should mention that to her,” Finn suggested.

“I tried!” Bran shouted. “She won’t talk to me. She blocked my calls. She wouldn’t answer the door. And yesterday, if I hadn’t used my key to let myself in her suite, her ex might’ve killed her. I pulled him off her and cleaned his clock. She barely had time to say thank you before everyone descended on us, including the police.”

“You beat up her ex?” asked Finn. “Can’t wait to hear this story.”

“Never mind that,” Bran fumed. “The important thing is I haven’t been able to talk to her. How can I stop her from moving to New York?”

“I’m afraid it’s too late for that. She’s already on her way.”

“How could that be? She just moved out this morning.” His chest burned with excess acid.

“Seems the place she was planning to sub-lease was infested with little critters—namely roaches and mice. What could I do? I told them to come. I’ve got an empty apartment in my building, although I had a high-paying leaser lined up. Since you planned to take care of Steph and Ellie, I’ll let you reimburse me for the apartment.”

“You take Stephanie away from me, and I pay you for the privilege?” Branson was too stunned to be angry.

“If you don’t like it, I suggest you do something about it. Insist on a paternity test. Why wait ‘til the baby comes? Do it now.”

“Ha! I wish.”

“I think it can be done. Google it.”
