“Why not?”

“Because, she’s talking to my dad.”

She wants an hour alone with her ex? Inside my estate? I don’t think so.

“How did you find me?”

Stephanie stood, gripping the back of the chair, to hide her trembling fingers from Jeff’s sharp eyes.

“Someone told me where you were and what you’re up to. What’s the matter, baby? You act like you aren’t happy to see me.”

“Why are you here?” She mustered all the bravado she could find. “And don’t tell me you’re here to see Ellie. You don’t even believe she’s your daughter.”

“I miss you, sweetie. Thought maybe you miss me, too.”

With his feet propped on the coffee table, he leaned back on the couch and stretched his arms over his head. Steph remembered when she used to admire his biceps and swoon over his six-pack. She’d been so enamored with his outward appearance, she’d brushed certain behaviors under the rug. Constantly questioning her whereabouts. Accusing her of cheating. Criticizing her appearance. Controlling her outside contacts. She hadn’t realized how oppressed and alone she felt until he left her with a sick child. She’d all but lost touch with her old friends. Laurie, however, stuck with her through it all, and made no secret of celebrating when the marriage ended. Though he’d never been violent before, his sudden appearance made Steph nervous. She took comfort knowing, if she screamed, Laurie would come running over from next door and likely beat the man to a pulp… or at least call nine-one-one.

“Sorry to disappoint. I don’t miss you. Not at all.” Steph swept her hand toward the door. “Time to go.”

He gave her a smarmy smile. “I don’t think so. Not until I get what I came for.”

“Spit it out, Jeff. I don’t have time for this.”

“I want in.”

She blinked. What on earth was he talking about? Ellie?

“It’s too late. Ellie doesn’t want anything to do with you.”

He stood up, slinking closer, while her heart thumped a machine gun rhythm in her chest.

“I don’t care about your defective kid. I want a cut of the extra dough you’re getting from your blind boyfriend.”

“There is no extra dough. I worked for Mr. Knight and got paid a salary. I live paycheck to paycheck, trying to cover Ellie’s medical bills. And I think you should leave before I decide to sue you for the child support you’ve never paid.”

His eyes rolled up to the ceiling. “You expect me to believe that billionaire isn’t paying you a little extra for his booty calls?”

Steam spewed out with her words. “There are no booty calls. And why would you think I would ever give you a dime, anyway?”

With a blur of movement, her wrist was cinched in his painful grasp. “Either you pay up, or I’ll tell him all about you. I’ll tell him what a slut you are. I’ll tell him how you wiped out my savings account.”

“I told you a thousand times, I never cheated on you. And I used our savings to pay some of Ellie’s medical bills. That’s all.” She jerked against his relentless grip, so tight it brought tears to her eyes.

Evil gleamed from his eyes as his lips spread to expose his teeth. A shiver rippled down her spine. He’d been so sweet and romantic when they were dating. How could this dark personality have been so well hidden? Was it obvious all the time, or did he change after they married?

“That’s not the way I remember it, baby.” Ripe and foul, his hot breath hit her face.

“It doesn’t matter.” She tugged again, to no avail. “I quit my job. I’m moving away tomorrow.”

The corner of his lip twitched. Suddenly, her arm was wrenched down and around, behind her back. She cried out in pain, but he lifted it high, forcing her head down. She couldn’t take a deep enough breath to scream for help.

“You’re not leaving here until you pay me back. You married me and slept around and took my money. Did you think I’d let you get away scot-free?”

“I don’t have any money.” Her voice came out a barely audible gasp, the pain in her arm intense as she waited for it to twist out of its socket.

“We’ll find a different way for you to pay.”

“No!” Her rasping protest sounded almost as terrified as she felt.