His lungs deflated, along with his spirit. “I’m not ready to sign the new pre-nup. And there’s certainly no reason to rush the marriage. She’s only twenty-two weeks along.”

“It’s not wise to offend Carina’s pride, Mr. Knight. She’s more likely to sign the new agreement without arguing if you accommodate her on the timing. If you marry now, you could initiate the divorce shortly after the baby is born.”

Mark Johnson didn’t know Branson was married to Stephanie. Bran started to tell him multiple times, but something inside his gut stopped the words from coming out. He couldn’t explain it, but he didn’t entirely trust the man.

“Johnson, how long have you worked for me?”

“My firm has served you for almost two years, Mr. Knight. I hope you’ve been more than satisfied with our work. We always try to provide exemplary service, with absolute confidentiality.”

Branson couldn’t argue his point. Johnson had made himself available at any time, day or night, and toiled tirelessly on every project Branson gave him. His work had always been flawless. Yet there was something about him… something he couldn’t put his finger on.

Two years! A bilious feeling formed in the pit of his stomach. When Branson’s attorney of seven years suddenly took ill, Mark Johnson had applied for the position. His credentials and recommendations unmatched, Branson hired him on the spot. Yet, unlike most of his close employees, the two had never spoken on a first-name basis. Branson had written it off as Mark’s formal manner, but it was more than that. In Bran’s gut, he simply didn’t trust the man.

Branson pushed back from his desk and rose to his feet. He heard the sounds of movement as Mark matched his posture.

“Thank you for coming, Johnson.”

“But… don’t you want to…” Mark made a strangled coughing noise. “Very well, Mr. Knight. But I recommend approving the final copy of this document today. Would you like for me to start the paperwork for the marriage license? Of course, you and Carina will have to go to the clerk’s office to sign it.”

Branson strode to the door, unconsciously counting the steps. “I’ll be in touch later today, Johnson.”

“Yes, sir. Perhaps I’ll check back at one o’clock?”

“That sounds perfect, as always.” Though Bran’s tone and manner dismissed the man, he still resisted.

“When this matter is settled, you’ll feel much better about it, Mr. Knight. I’ll do everything I can to expedite the proceedings. What else can I do to allay your fears?”

“My current fear, Mr. Johnson, is another round of that stomach virus coming on. Unless you’d like to experience it for yourself, I suggest you give me some privacy.”

The man shot out of the room like a rocket, mumbling under his breath. By the time the door clicked shut, Bran had already dialed his cell phone.

“Fordham… I need a new lawyer.”

“If he’s associated with your father, he’s hidden it well.” Fordham’s calm demeanor didn’t fool Bran for an instant. He’d never cared for Mark Johnson, and he was ecstatic that Branson now agreed with him. He would dig until he discovered dirt on Johnson, and Bran felt certain it was there.

Though Fordham had acted as Bran’s primary caretaker when he was growing up, his true value was his sharp mind. He’d been Branson’s best behind-the-scenes advisor, rewarded for his efforts with a lucrative profit-sharing plan. He still acted the part of Bran’s personal butler, drawing a nice salary that was a pittance, compared to his accumulated wealth.

“It makes so much sense.” Bran drummed his fingers on the desk. “I don’t know why I didn’t suspect him before. He showed up less than twenty-four hours after Cal got sick. Now I wonder if Dad didn’t have something to do with that as well.”

“A stiff accusation,” Fordham remarked, “but I wouldn’t put it past him.”

Fordham’s loyalty had always been with Bran, even though his father had signed the paychecks when Bran was a child.

“Let’s think about this.” Bran stopped to take a sip of fresh coffee, the pungent aroma calming his nerves. “We still don’t know why Carina wants to get married so quickly. It’s like there’s something she’s hiding. Something time sensitive.”

“The pregnancy?” Fordham suggested.

“Can’t see where a few days makes a difference where the baby is concerned.” He chewed his lower lip. “Something happened while we were in Vegas. Something that made her panic. She wanted us married as soon as possible.”

The room we

nt quiet, but for a light tapping from Fordham’s direction, where he sat facing Bran’s desk.

“Let’s try a different approach,” said Fordham. “If your dad is involved in this, what would he do? What’s his motivation?”

“Dad? He’d like to ruin me.” Branson gave a harsh chuckle. “Especially since I founded Escapade Resorts two years ago, and it’s already toppled his resort empire. I even lured away some of his board members.”

“I’m certain that stings his pride,” said Fordham. “He would’ve made more money if he’d bought stock in your company.”