“Yes, I do.” She put a hand to his face to stop his progress. “But we can’t kiss again.”

He frowned. “Why not? We love each other. We’re married. Why can’t we kiss?”

“Have you forgotten about Carina?”

“No, but I’d like to.” He straightened, pushing his fingers through his hair, sending it in crazy directions. “I can’t live like this. The moment we start to make progress, you jerk the rug out from under us.”

“I beg your pardon,” she spat. “It’s not my fault Carina is in the middle of all this. That’s one hundred percent on you.”

He twisted to face her, his eyes closed and his hands folded, as if in prayer. “Just say the word, and I’ll tell Carina we’re married. I’ll pay my child support and stay out of her life. Let her have full custody.” He found one of Steph’s hands and turned it over to press a kiss against her palm, making rows of goosebumps on her arm. “We’ll start now and build a life together—you, me and Ellie. What do you say?”

He laid out her dream on a silver platter, as enticing as his ripped physique. She wanted it. She wanted it so b

adly she could barely breathe. Her eyes filled with tears, even before she choked out her answer. The word ripped from her raw throat, a bare whisper that echoed for eternity.


A tear leaked from the corner of his eye and rolled down his cheek.


“We can’t, Bran.” Each word cut her like a knife. Her lifeblood ebbed away. “You’d be miserable. Not at first, but eventually you’d regret it. You’ve spent your whole life trying to be a better man than your father. That means being present in your child’s life.”

He turned away, his throat convulsing. “How long, then? How long before we can be together?”

“It doesn’t work that way.” She steadied her quavering voice. “You need to work out things between you and Carina. You’re going to be a father, and that’s the most important thing. I think it’s best if I leave. I’d only be a distraction.”

“No.” He groped to find her hand and clasped it tightly. “Please don’t leave me.”

“I have to, Bran. How could I bear being here if you and Carina are together? I could hardly stand watching the two of you this weekend. When I saw you coming out of her room, I felt like I’d been stabbed.”

“I’m so sorry.” Bran clenched his eyes shut, rubbing his temples. “Nothing happened—I promise. I didn’t sleep with her.”

“You obviously slept with her at least once.”

Bran’s silence spoke volumes. When he finally answered, he seemed resigned. “Can I kiss you? One last time?”

“I don’t know…”

Those three words obviously translated to yes in whatever world Branson lived, because his hands slid behind her head, fingers tangling in her hair as his mouth descended. His lips brushed across her lips. Soft as a feather. Then harder. Demanding. Her hands flattened on the hard planes of his chest. Short of breath, she felt lightheaded, like she was in a dream. The gentle caress of his lips made her ache for what could have been. She trembled as his fingers trailed down her neck, leaving a fiery brand in their wake. He followed with his mouth, pressing a kiss into the hollow of her neck until lights flashed under her eyelids. As his mouth found hers again, she tasted the salt of their mingled tears, and she hugged him close, as if she could make the moment last through eternity.

But it didn’t.

Tearing herself away left a gaping hole in her chest—forever empty—the place where her heart used to be.

Chapter 21

I’ve looked at it from every angle, Mr. Knight. I still believe a marriage would be the best way to assert your parental rights.”

Bran massaged his temples, hoping to rub away the headache that ibuprofen hadn’t diminished. I need a workout. He’d been back home since Sunday and hadn’t worked out the last three mornings. Though still a bit weak after his bout with the short-term virus, he knew that wasn’t the main issue. His life was completely off-kilter without Stephanie as his personal assistant. He forced down a sip of his now-tepid coffee.

“I can’t see how it would make a difference, Johnson. I’m the child’s father whether or not we’re married.”

“Yes, but the decision is made by a human, and most humans have a tendency to favor the mother. Carina can truthfully claim you were engaged and called off the wedding after you learned of the pregnancy.”

Bran slammed his fist on the desk. “I can’t believe she can corner me into this marriage. There must be another way.”

“I’m afraid not.”