You got that right. Unless Bran is into polygamy.

“Whatever. He made his bed, so to speak. I guess he can lie in it.” She pretended her heart hadn’t been ripped out of her chest and tossed on the ground.

Finn’s sympathetic expression told her he wasn’t buying her indifferent attitude. He walked beside her to the front door and held it open while she clomped into the hallway on her crutches.

“For what it’s worth, Steph, I’m sorry you got caught in the middle of this mess.”

“Not as sorry as I am.”

Chapter 19

Stumbling on a dead body in the dark, Steph’s blood pressure skyrocketed. On the outside, she held it to a gasp, but inside she screamed, adrenaline coursing through her veins. The audiobook playing through her earbuds was the only thing that kept her sane on the plane ride home.

Even with what should’ve been a riveting story in her ears, she watched Branson from the corner of her eye. Finn chose a seat beside him, never allowing Carina a moment’s privacy with her fiancé. It seemed Finn still opposed the marriage, though Stephanie was resigned to it.

I’ll be fine. I don’t need him.

Hadn’t she gotten along fine before she met Branson? She didn’t need any man in order to survive. Her first husband had taught her never to put her trust in someone else. She’d been so enamored with Bran, she’d almost forgotten that lesson. Luckily, Carina’s big reveal had reminded Steph she could only rely on herself.

She allowed the terror of the story to envelop her mind and distract her from depressing thoughts for the next hour. The bump of the plane touching down on the private landing strip jerked her back to the real world. Within ten minutes, the driver delivered them to the estate complex, allowing her to escape without having a single conversation with Branson. Thank goodness. Her sham composure would’ve crumpled if he’d confronted her. She counted on the next twelve hours to pull herself together so she could face him in the morning, at work.

Elated to see her mom, and even more excited about the picture of Elvis with a personalized message, Ellie never questioned Steph’s mood. Laurie, on the other hand, challenged her the moment Ellie went to bed.

“Okay, what happened?”

“I told you,” Steph opened her eyes wide. “I twisted my ankle.”

“You know I’m not talking about your foot. What was it? Did you and Carina have a knock-down-drag-out fight in Las


Laurie patted the couch cushion beside her, and Steph hobbled over and dropped onto it like a sack of stones.

“Nothing happened. Nothing important.”

“Then tell me what unimportant thing happened to make your eye twitch like it always does when you’re upset.”

Steph rubbed at her eyes with the backs of her hands. “Everything’s fine. I’m mostly tired.”

Laurie’s perfectly arched brows pulled low over eyes so dark her pupils disappeared. Any attempt to escape without spilling her guts to her best friend would be futile. For the next hour, Steph spewed out the whole story. Well, almost the whole story. She omitted a few pertinent details, such as the part about Elvis and the wedding chapel. Nor did she mention Bran’s kiss or the declaration of love.

When Steph finished the tale, Laurie’s mouth hung open so wide Stephanie could see her tonsils. “Carina’s pregnant?”

“Yes, and she made it quite clear she detests me with every fiber of her skinny little body. Do you think I’m an awful person for hoping she gets really bad stretch marks?”

Laurie shook her head, a glower shadowing her usually animated face. “No one deserves to look that perfect.”

“But she’s gonna be the mother of Branson’s child. I can’t wish bad things on her.”

“Why not? A little creative ill-wishing might lift your spirits. Only on Carina, not the baby.”

“Hmmm…” A grin pushed its way onto Steph’s lips. “My face broke out like crazy when I was pregnant. I’m thinking a blemish or two for Carina would be nice.”

“Forget that. I’m praying for a plague of boils.”

Steph snorted through her fingers. “Good one. You’re so much more inventive than I am.”

“While we’re at it, let’s go for some swelling. Give her fat feet with sausage toes.” Laurie stretched her arms wide to illustrate the enlargement goal.