“It’s complicated,” Bran sputtered. “I need to go talk to her. Can you keep Carina occupied? I thought she would’ve gotten tipsy and gone to bed a long time ago. I can’t believe she’s still awake.”

“Maybe she’s afraid to let her guard down. I haven’t seen her take a drink of alcohol this entire trip. She probably thinks something’s going on between you and Stephanie.”

Branson’s gut churned. This weekend, he’d lost control of everything in his life.

“What’s up, guys?” Finn arrived and a drink slid into Branson’s hand. “I got you a martini. You look like you could use it.”

“You’re right.” Bran lifted the glass and took a swallow. “But this makes two drinks for me. That’s my limit.”

“See ya later,” said Cole. “Met a pretty little filly who likes my lime green hand. Turns out she’s a sci-fi fan.”

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Finn quipped.

“That’s not saying much,” Cole retorted, his voice receding.

Bran drained his drink and plopped his glass back on the table with more force than necessary. “You have some explaining to do.”

“Me?” Finn faked an innocent tone.

“We agreed on a plan, and it didn’t include putting Stephanie and me on the same marriage license.”

Finn chuckled, unapologetically. “You found out, huh? It’s not big deal. I thought it would be funny. Plus, I was afraid the clerk would ask questions if I did it the other way. Carina and Stephanie weren’t acting very chummy at the office.”

Bran debated telling him about the wedding ceremony, but decided against it. He didn’t want Finn turning his marriage into a joke. “You could’ve told me before Stephanie discovered it by accident.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll explain it to her tomorrow. I hear she’s already gone upstairs. That’s too bad.”

“Maybe it’s good she’s away from Carina,” Branson muttered. “I haven’t told you about Fordham’s voice mail.”

“You heard back already? What did he find out?”

“Not much.” Branson fingered his empty glass. “But he did say her story about the impending hostile takeover is a lie… or at least an exaggeration. Fordham says someone besides me has been gobbling up stocks, but they didn’t make a deal with Aston, like Carina claimed.”

“She made that up so you’d want to rush the marriage? I don’t get it.”

“Neither do I.” The wheels turned in Bran’s head. “What possible motive could she have?”

“Maybe something happened at Parker-Aston,” Finn mused. “Maybe a lawsuit or a failed contract. Maybe the stock value is about to drop, so she wants to make the deal before you find out.”

“Hadn’t thought of that. I’ll put Fordham on it. If something’s going on, he’ll find it.”

“Whatever Carina’s motivation, if she tries to get a bogus signature on that marriage license, she’s in for a surprise,” Finn boasted. “I have to say, I enjoyed pulling that off. I’m looking forward to having her chew me out for it.”

“If she thinks I’m gonna get drunk and rush out for a quickie wedding, she’ll find out the hard way I always stick to my limits.”

“Guess it was a good thing we got you drunk at camp that one time.”

“Nothing makes a lasting impression like puking up your guts,” Branson agreed. Almost as if responding to the memory, his stomach began to roil. Feeling a little dizzy, he gripped the table. “What was in that drink you gave me? Was it a double?”

“No way. I wouldn’t do that to you.” Finn’s voice, heavy with concern, sounded as if it came from a tunnel. “You’re white as a sheet. Are you feeling sick?”

“Yeah. Maybe alcohol on an empty stomach.” The world spun in one direction while Bran’s body twisted the other. He clung to the table for dear life as swirls of nausea hit him. His rapid pulse drummed inside his ear. “I… something’s wrong… I feel crazy.”

“What’s the matter with Branson?” Carina’s voice.

“I don’t know. A reaction to alcohol, maybe. But he’s only had two drinks.”

Branson opened his mouth to say something, but his legs wobbled and gave way. Finn’s voice cried out, and Bran felt his body sliding slowly to the floor, which seemed like a rotating merry-go-round.