Silence again. Then a huge sigh. “I’ll be glad when this drama is all over. I’ve been so frazzled I forgot about finding a present for Ellie.”

“What does she want?”

“Besides a Bridgette doll?” Steph chuckled. “I’ve already told her she’s not getting one of those.”

“What’s Bridgette doll?”

“Nothing. I was making a joke. Believe it or not, I wanted to get her a picture of one of those Elvis impersonators with a personalized autograph. I thought those guys would be all over Vegas, but I haven’t seen one yet.”

“Isn’t she a little young to be an Elvis fan?”

“It started when she was in the hospital with a lung infection. She must’ve watched a solid week’s worth of those old Elvis movies. She knows every song he’s ever sung, by heart.”

Suddenly, nothing was more important than getting an autographed Elvis picture for Ellie. “We’ll go find one of those guys, right now.”

“No, it’s almost eleven o’clock. You need to get back to the tournament. Carina’s gonna be spittin’ mad we’ve been away this long. By the way, you can turn back around now.”

As always, Steph was placing his needs first. It was high time someone started doing the same for her.

“I don’t give a flip what Carina thinks.”

“Yes, you do. You need to keep her happy until you figure out why she’s rushing you into this marriage.”

He pulled out his cell phone. “I’m calling Finn. He’ll keep Carina occupied. The hotel concierge can find an Elvis for us. And when we get back, I’ll still have at least an hour to play. Meanwhile, I’ve got my people checking out her story.”

“You sure you don’t mind?” Her words came out breathy and excited, and he felt warm all over. He’d give anything to see the smile he’d put on her face. Maybe more to see the one on Ellie’s face when she got her present.

“Not at all.”

“I called every place I know, but only one answered the phone. Like I said, it’s a little late.” The concierge spoke in a medium-pitched, staccato tone, louder than Branson preferred.

“Did you find an Elvis for me or not?” Bran lowered his voice, hoping the concierge would do the same. He didn’t want Stephanie to overhear the extent he’d gone to in order to locate an Elvis.

“They closed at eleven, but they agreed to stay open if you get there by eleven fifteen and purchase the super bonus package that includes three songs, pictures and a video.” The loud-mouthed man didn’t take the hint.

“Branson, I don’t want a package,” Stephanie tugged on his sleeve. “I just want a single signed photograph. I was thinking fifteen or twenty dollars. If it’s more than that, I’ll get her some pink furry dice. She’s six years old. She’ll like anything I bring her.”

“Ellie likes Elvis. That’s what she’s getting. I’m paying for it.” He aimed his face toward her and lowered his brows, duplicating the intense expression that always disturbed Carina.

“Stop doing that,” Steph complained, in a stern tone.

He maintained his severe expression. “You were really excited about it five minutes ago. Nothing has chang

ed. Consider it overtime pay for the weekend. Or hazard pay for spending time with Carina.”

At that, she laughed. “Fine. You win. I think I actually deserve that hazard pay. I was chasing after her so I could chew her out when I sprained my ankle.” She let out another awkward chuckle. “Just stop looking at me like that.”

“You finally admit it bothers you?” Glad to have won the contest of wills, an event that was rare with Stephanie, it still hurt for her to reveal her aversion to his prosthetic eyes. She’d refused to concede the fact the past two years, probably one of the reasons he’d felt so secure around her.

“Yes, it bothers me. I don’t know how you do it, but it makes me feel…” Her voice trailed off.

“What? Creepy? Frightened?” He tried to laugh it off and sound unoffended.

“Naked,” she whispered.

“Naked?” He must’ve repeated the word a little too loudly, because she punched his arm.

“Shhh!” She tugged him away from the concierge desk. “Yes, naked. Like you can look inside my soul. Like I can’t hide anything from you. Like you know all my thoughts. All my emotions. Makes me feel out of control. Surely you get that, don’t you?”