“Proper?” Branson started to object. Then he recalled something that might explain a lot. “I wonder… Remember about two years ago, when I had that huge fight with my dad?”

“You two are always arguing.”

“This was worse. He discounted everything I’d ever done. Phantom Enterprises didn’t impress him one iota. I was so furious. I hadn’t thought of it ‘til now, but ever since then, I’ve been trying to prove myself to him. I’m not trying to be proper, exactly. It’s more like trying to show I could beat him at his own game. That’s why I started Escapade Resorts—to compete with his Good Knight Resorts chain.”

“And in two years, Escapade has grown twice as big as Good Knight,” Finn remarked. “But I’m betting he’s still not impressed.”

“Nope.” Bran popped the P. “Says it grew too fast. The value’s inflated. It’s set up to fail.”

“Does it still bother you? His opinion? Can’t you just forget him?”

“He had the audacity to inform me he’s set up a trust fund. Not for me, but for my first child.”

“So? One day your kid will get your old man’s money. Sounds good to me.”

“He had stipulations. A blood child—not adopted, not blind.”

Finn let out a string of curses.

“I know. Just confirmed my plan to never have children.”

“Could that be why Carina wants to get married?”

“No way. I haven’t told a soul. Not even Fordham. Besides, the kid has to be eighteen to inherit.” Branson balled his fists until his fingernails bit into his palm. When he spoke again, his voice was croaky. “How can he hate me so much?”

A hand squeezed his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Branson. Your dad sucks. If it makes you feel any better, my parents like you better than me.”

The corner of his mouth twitched, threatening a smile. “I can’t blame them.”

He anticipated the shove that knocked him off balance.

“You’re such a jerk,” Finn said playfully. Then he gripped Bran’s arm. “There was this guy I used to know… His name was Branson Knight. He was always up for an adventure. Nothing he wouldn’t try. He didn’t give a flip what anybody thought, least of all his pretentious father.”

“Sounds like a fun guy.” Bran grinned, somehow feeling lighter than he had in a long time.

“There was nothing he’d like better than pulling a fast one on a fiancée who’s bound to have something up her sleeve.”

Yes. Why hadn’t he seen it before? Carina had to be hiding something. Two could play that game. In a flash, Bran was a college freshman, planning a prank on the hall bully, with the help of his three roommates. Those had been the happiest days of his life, before he got bogged down in responsibilities.

“What did you have in mind?” Bran asked.

“It depends. First… about Carina… It seems like you’d reject any woman your father might like. How determined are you to marry her and complete your business deal?”

“Less by the minute. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I have to find some other way to get control of that CF drug. I’m still ticked someone got the Astons to sell their shares.”

“Are you sure she’s telling the truth about that?” asked Finn.

“No, I guess not. I’ll message Fordham. Maybe he can find out the real reason Carina wants to rush this marriage.”

“How far are you willing to go to beat Carina at her own game—whatever that is?” Finn’s slight English lilt grew heavier as he got more excited. “Ready to get a marriage license with me?”

“I’m in,” Bran swore. “I’ll do whatever you say. But Finn, I’m warning you...”

“About what?”

“If you and I end up married, you better not try to kiss me on the lips.”

Bran heard garbled laughter. Then a hand grasped his and shook it with so much vigor his shoulder almost came out of joint.