“Nothing,” she claimed, though she accepted his arm with gratitude, giving some relief to her ankle. “Where’s everyone going?”

“I have no idea,” Jarrett admitted. “Cole told me to come. He said something about Bran getting married.”

“Now? A quickie Las Vegas wedding?” What little she had put in her stomach threatened to reappear. “I have to stop them. She’s not in love with him. I don’t think she’s capable of loving anyone except herself.”

“I happen to agree with you.” Jarrett’s eye’s crinkled in the corners as he flashed her a grin. “But I’m not worried. Finn’ll find some way to stop it.”

“Hope you’re right,” she mumbled, suddenly determined to help Finn with whatever diabolical plan he might have.

“Hey.” Jarrett waved his hand at her, then put a finger to his lips. He spoke in a hoarse whisper, pointing to his ear. “Is that thing on?”

The mic! She’d forgotten to turn it off. What had Branson heard? She replayed the last few minutes in her mind, and sighed with relief. She hadn’t said much, other than criticizing Carina. And she’d already decided it was worth risking her job to prevent the marriage. Fumbling inside her purse with her left hand, she murmured, “Bran, we’re on the way,” before flipping the switch.

On her next step, the toe of her sandal somehow caught on the carpet, wrenching her already-throbbing ankle. The next thing she knew, she was hopping around on her left foot, gripping the sleeve of Jarrett’s tux for dear life. “Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.”

“Steph. You’ve got to see a doctor.”

“No. Please. It’s just a sprained ankle. Nothing serious. Right now, I have to get to Branson so I can talk him out of this marriage.”

The room tipped, as Jarrett swept her into his arms. “I’ll get you there, but then you’re seeing a doctor.”

She almost commented she was too heavy for him, but he might’ve taken the statement as a remark about his prosthetic leg. In fact, he carried her with seeming ease, no strain evident on his face. Except for his slightly uneven gait, she would never have known he didn’t have two normal legs.

“Thank you, Mr. Alvarez. You’re my knight in shining armor.”

“More like your Zorro.” His deep brown eyes sparkled. “Happy to rescue a damsel in distress.” He smiled, displaying perfect white teeth. She studied his face—strong and masculine. He was certainly handsome, but there was no thrill at his touch. How am I ever going to get over Bran if I’m not even attracted to a guy this hot?

At last, they caught up with the others, and she spied Bran, bowed in private conversation with Finn. Carina’s sins momentarily forgotten, she searched his face for signs of panic. Finding him composed, she breathed relief.

“What’s this?” Carina’s strident voice startled her. She whipped her head toward her adversary, who clapped her hands with delight. “Didn’t know you were such a slut, Stephanie. You came with Finn, and now you’re with Jarrett?”

“Shut up, Carina.” Steph wanted to say so much more. To tell the woman exactly what she thought of her. To scream at her for pretending to love Branson. To let her know exactly how selfish she was. But all that would have to wait until Steph could get Carina alone. She couldn’t make a scene now and embarrass Branson.

Bran’s brows creased as his head turned toward her, glaring as if he could see her ensconced in Jarrett’s embrace. She wriggled, trying to free herself.

“You can put me down, now,” Steph whispered to Jarrett.

He complied, lowering her feet to the floor, but his arm still supported her weight. A tentative step revealed the ankle more tender than before, so she gave in and leaned against him.

Carina’s face contorted in a sneer, and Steph knew she wasn’t going to let it go. “Maybe you and Jarrett should get a marriage license, too. Is that what you’re after, Steph? Trying to land a different billionaire husband, since I took Branson away?”

“Carina, don’t be a—” Finn froze in mid-sentence, his furrowed brows lifting, while his downturned lips curled up at the corners. In two long steps he reached Jarrett and Steph, though he continued his address with his back to Carina. “Actually, Carina, that’s a great idea. Stephanie should get married while she’s here...” Finn put a silencing finger to his lips and winked, before he dropped to one knee. “She should marry me.”

Steph knew the invitation w

as a joke, designed to make Branson jealous. It wouldn’t work. She’d already explained Bran wasn’t attracted to her in a romantic way. Why didn’t Finn believe her?

“No one’s getting married,” Branson declared as he moved closer. “I get your point, Finn. It was a stupid idea.”

“No.” Finn stood and faced Branson again. “I’m with Carina on this. You should get a marriage license tonight.”

Carina’s eyes widened, as she gaped at Finn. “You agree with me?”

“Sure. What does it hurt to get a license, Branson? Keep your options open until you talk to your lawyer tomorrow.”

What does Bran’s attorney have to do with this? Guess Carina still hasn’t signed a pre-nup agreement.

“Fine. We’ll get a license.” Branson replied, his nostrils flaring, “But stop joking about marrying Steph.”