As everyone piled out of the limo, Bran stayed behind, trying to slow his racing heart. He felt someone slide beside him on the seat.

“You don’t fool me,” Finn said. “Not in the slightest.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” Bran found his cane and checked to be sure his sunglasses were sitting straight on his nose.

“We’ve come out here together at least twenty times, and you refused to go to a single show. Not even when we got complimentary front row tickets to hear Donovan Ray sing.”

“So what?” Bran scooted toward the exit, but a hand on his shoulder held him back.

“So, isn’t it funny that you suddenly insist on squeezing in a show right after I invited Stephanie to New York. And don’t try to tell me this has anything to do with Carina.”

“You’re trying to steal the best PA I’ve ever had.” Bran gripped his cane so hard his hand hurt.

“I was only asking her on a date, not stealing her.”

“Same difference,” Bran shook off his grasp and climbed outside, but Finn caught him and spoke in his ear.

“Weren’t you the one who said I should start dating?”

“Not Stephanie,” Bran mumbled from the side of his mouth. “So, back off.”

“I’ll be happy to back off,

” said Finn, “as soon as you admit you’re in love with Stephanie.”

“I’m not in love with her.” He didn’t love Stephanie. He needed her. Like his body needed air and water. He couldn’t survive without her. Finn would never understand the difference.

“Just tell her you love her and see what she says. What’s the worst that could happen?”

He didn’t want to dream about something that could never happen. “It won’t work. We’ve been over this. I’m marrying Carina. End of story.”

Bran grabbed the elbow Finn bumped against him and walked beside him. His cane found the curb, and as he stepped up, Finn whispered in his ear, “Okay. But if you’re not in love with her, she’s fair game.”

Before Bran could blast him with a furious retort, Finn was gone.

“Bran! You made it.” Cole wrapped him in a hug, and Bran squirmed, trying to get away. Cole laughed. “Nobody thinks it’s weird for me to hug you, Bran. No one’s even paying attention.”

“You know I don’t do hugs. Has nothing to do with what anyone thinks.”

Nevertheless, the arm remained around his shoulder, ushering him through the doorway onto the plush carpet. Inside, Bran’s heart rate kicked up another notch, as the noises of the casino in the back mixed with voices from every direction. Why did I agree to come? I can’t do this.

“Hi, Cole.” Stephanie’s voice came from his left, and he felt her arm wrap around his. “I’m going to steal Mr. Knight away for a minute. One of his managers has a crisis situation. You know how it is.” She tugged Branson to the side. “They’ve already checked us in, so we can go straight to the elevator. But I have a present for you.” She slid something into his hand.

“What’s this?” He probed the small plastic piece.

“It’s my dictation earpiece. I’ve got the microphone attached to my scarf—a beautiful designer scarf, thanks to you. And the transmitter is in my new purse, which, by the way, is worth more than one of the smaller states.”

As her plan became clear, a smile fought its way onto his lips. He placed the discreet receiver in his ear. “If this works, I’ll buy one you could trade for Alaska.”

Her gentle chuckle played clearly in his ear, drowning out the other sounds. “You might have to get your three cohorts to help purchase that purse.”

With the earpiece in place, the room sounds were muffled in that ear, and he found he could put that noise in the background.

“Is it okay?” Steph sounded anxious. “You can toggle it until it’s not too loud or too soft. If anyone notices, you can say you’re wearing an earplug in that ear.”

“No, it’s good. I think it’s going to help.”

“Great.” Her breath whooshed out. “I had my fingers crossed.”