“Not hardly,” he scoffed. “But a percentage does. At the end of the night, whoever has the most money is declared the winner, and a million goes to the charity of their choice.”

“You’ve done this before, I guess. Have you ever won?”

“I did, once. But Finn’s won multiple times. He’s the king of blackjack. But the big money comes from the craps table. Everyone will be there by the end of the night.”

“Maybe you should try to get your entry fee back for me, since I can’t play. I’ll be staying with you to calm your nerves. Isn’t that the whole reason I came?”

He tilted his head closer, though Carina was too far away to hear, even if she’d been conscious. “Yes, it is. But I only need you for the first hour or so. I plan to lose my money early and escape to my room. Then you’ll be free to try your hand at anything you choose.”

“I don’t think that’s gonna make Finn very happy.” She glanced at Finn, his feet propped up and a cap pulled down over his eyes. Something told her he wouldn’t let Branson get away that easily.

“Maybe…” Bran drummed his fingers on his legs, twisting his mouth to the side. “I expect Finn’ll be having too much fun with Cole and Jarrett to care if I slip away early. It’s enough that I came. They won’t be expecting me to be with them the entire time.”

“Ah. That’s a good thing. Carina will be less suspicious if I spend most of my time hanging out with Finn and the guys instead of you.”

His fingers froze. “Yeah. About that.” He shifted in his seat like he had a sudden knot in his back. “You don’t have to spend the whole time with Finn after I’m gone. Carina can’t be jealous when I’m not around. You can play any game you like—slots, roulette, poker, craps, whatever.

“Oh, I don’t mind being with Finn. He’s actually fun.”

“Great.” Bran’s lips stretched into a weird, flat smile. “I’m glad you like him.”

The jet landed, and a stretch limo picked them up, whisking them off toward the heart of Las Vegas. Steph had seen the strip on TV, but never in person.

“Wow,” she remarked to no one in particular. “I can’t believe there are so many people on the streets on a Saturday morning. I would’ve thought they’d all be in bed, sleeping off a Friday night hangover.

“They are,” Finn confirmed. “Tonight, there will be twice this many people.”

“You’ve honestly never been to Vegas before?” Carina’s question might’ve been a polite inquiry, had her tone not been dripping with disdain.

“I’ve never had a desire to go.” Stephanie lifted her chin. “I don’t gamble. But the hotels are pretty amazing.”

“The shows are spectacular,” said Carina. “Too bad you won’t get to see any. Bran doesn’t like them, of course.”

“I don’t mind if I don’t see a show on this trip,” Steph hurried to assert. “Maybe some other time.”

“I can take you to see a play in New York, instead.” Finn’s hand slipped over to rest on her knee. “How about weekend after next?”

Steph fumbled for a polite response. “I… uh… I guess it depends if I can get enough time off.”

“We should go today,” Bran blurted out. “We could hit a matinee. There’s plenty of time. Our tournament doesn’t start until seven p.m.” Three sets of eyes stared at him in surprise. “What?” he asked, into the awkward silence.

“You told me you hate going to shows.” Carina narrowed her eyes, her hands balled into tight fists.

“He does hate them.” Finn clicked his tongue in disapproval. “He’s probably planning to send the rest of us to a show and hide out in his room. It won’t work, Bran.”

“I wasn’t planning to hide out,” Bran objected, looking miserable.

Steph’s heart clenched in her chest, seeing Bran so out of his comfort zone. She knew he probably wanted to be able to sit and listen to someone sing for a few hours, rather than have hundreds of voices in his ears, coming from every direction. She hadn’t been to a casino, but she knew from television they were noisy and distracting. Bran didn’t know, but she’d brought something special along, a surprise she hoped would make the whole experience better.

“I think it’s an awesome idea.” Steph shook her finger in Finn’s face. “You have no business giving Bran a hard time. He heard his fiancée wanted to see a show and decided to take her. What’s wrong with that? Aren’t there some famous singers who perform in Vegas? Bran could enjoy that as much as any of us.”

“Fine.” Finn pulled out his cell. “I’ll text Jarrett and tell him to get us six tickets to a matinee.”

Stephanie wasn’t sure what was going on. Instead of a repentant expression, Finn looked so smug she wanted to slap him. If he keeps this up, I might do it.

Chapter 7

The limousine pulled to a stop, and the door flung open. “Welcome to the Grand Laurencia, where good times are had by all,” said an irritatingly jovial hotel employee.