“I’m not planning to jump your bones, Stephanie, but you’ll have a hard time convincing Carina we’re together when you’re that stiff around me.”

She groaned, knowing he was right. “I can do better. Give me a second.” With her eyes squeezed closed, she jutted her hand toward him and focused on relaxing.


She looked up to find his wide blue eyes crinkled with humor, her orphaned hand left hanging in the air. “What’s the matter? I thought you wanted to hold hands.”

“That expression you made—looked like you were about to swallow cough syrup.”

“It’s not my fault. I haven’t held hands since… Well, I don’t remember the last time I held hands with Jeff, and we split up five years ago.”

“You haven’t even been on a date since then?”

“I haven’t had the time. Or the energy. And Ellie’s constantly in the back of my mind. You get it, right?”

“Yeah, I do,” he whispered, sympathy glistening in his eyes as his arm went around her shoulder. This time his touch didn’t feel awkward, and she found herself leaning into him. An ache formed in her chest, and she realized how much she missed the comfort of a man’s embrace.

The rumble of wheeled luggage interrupted the moment, and they sprang apart.

“Well, well, well…” Carina’s sarcastic voice rent the tranquil air. “Seems the lovebirds are getting an early start.”

“Lovebirds?” Branson’s thick brows knitted over bright blue eyes that seemed to sear Steph’s skin. She couldn’t help feeling guilty, as if she’d somehow betrayed him.

“We had to do something to pass the time.” Finn met Carina’s sarcasm with an equal dose, his arm returning to Steph’s shoulder. “We’ve been waiting a while, since the two of you were late.”

“Only one of us was late,” Bran retorted, as Carina’s face reddened. “I was here early but, as I suspected, Carina overslept. If I hadn’t banged on her door, she’d still be in bed.”

“Like any reasonable person,” Carina snapped. “You didn’t even give me time to finish getting ready.” Her hand snaked up to her blond tresses, which were pulled back in a sleek ponytail instead of her normal, perfect array of beach waves. Stephanie thought she looked better—less artificial—but doubted Carina would appreciate hearing her opinion.

“We don’t have to go,” Bran growled. “In fact, let’s call the whole thing off. Finn can go by himself.”

“Fine by me,” Finn retorted, much to Stephanie’s surprise. Hadn’t he been the one who organized the whole trip in an effort to get Bran out into the world again? Finn stood, grabbing the handle of his bag and offering a hand to help Stephanie up. “Steph and I can take my jet. I’ll bring her back tomorrow.”

“No.” The blood vessels on Bran’s face bulged like his head was about to explode. “Stephanie and I have work to do.”

“You already promised she could go to Vegas with me,” said Finn, not bothering to

hide his grin. “So, if you want to get any work done, you’ll have to come along and do it on the plane.” His fingers gripped Steph’s elbow, propelling her, stumbling in confusion, toward the door.

“We’re going in my jet,” Branson pronounced, striding past them. Without pausing he spoke over his shoulder. “Carina, you can come if you want or stay here. It makes no difference to me.”

“Branson, wait.” She trotted after him, dragging her huge rolling suitcase behind her. “I’m coming.”

Finn whispered in Steph’s ear, “Have you ever noticed Carina talks through her nose?”

Steph muffled a laugh with her hand. “No. But it’s going to drive me crazy now that you’ve mentioned it.”

Stephanie hardly had time to enjoy the experience of flying on a private jet, since Branson kept her so busy working. At first Carina flirted with Finn, laughing loudly and complimenting everything from his accent to his muscles. When Bran not only didn’t respond with jealousy, but appeared not to notice, Carina flounced over to a seat in the back and sulked. Once Carina abandoned her efforts, Finn reclined his chair and went to sleep.

“Bran?” Steph spoke in a lowered tone, glancing over her shoulder at Carina, whose slack mouth produced soft snores.

“Yes?” He took off his headphones.

“I’ve never been to Vegas. I don’t even know what to do. So, I’m thinking, since I won’t fit in anyway, I might just watch from the side.”

“No worries.” He waved his hand. “It’s a high-roller, charity event. Each participant pays a ridiculous entry fee that comes with a certain number of dollar credits. Yours is already paid. Everyone plays games anywhere on the floor until their credits are gone.”

“All the money goes to charity?”