He heard a frightened gasp escape her lips. He ought to back off, but he couldn’t. Not when he was so close to hearing the truth. Now, more than ever, he needed someone he could trust implicitly. Why couldn’t Stephanie be as brutally honest as Carina?

“The truth, Stephanie. I want the truth, or I wan

t your resignation. I’m tired of playing games. I can handle rejection. I’m used to it.”

“I don’t understand,” she cried, and took a shuddery breath.

He closed the distance between them and gripped her shoulders. “I want you to look into my eyes and tell me what you feel. I can handle whatever you say. What I can’t handle is dishonesty.”

Her entire body trembled in his grasp. But he knew from the direction of her voice, she hadn’t turned her face away.

“I feel… I feel vulnerable. I feel misjudged. And most of all, I feel…”

He waited, holding his breath. Sickened. Petrified. Go ahead. Say it.

“Alone… Desperate, unloved, and alone.”

Her arms shook free of his grip, and her footsteps receded from the room at a running pace. The door slammed shut, the sound reverberating in his ears.

Alone? What does that even mean?

Chapter 5

Stephanie was still shaking when she made it to the end of the hallway. Fighting a wave of dizziness, she bent over and put her hands on her knees, leaning sideways against the wall for support. What now? It’s not like she could run home—she lived here, now. She wiggled her toes inside her well-worn flats, a reminder of her tight budget. An hour ago, she’d declared she would do whatever it took to keep her job. She had to get a hold on her emotions and march back inside his office.

She heaved a deep, calming breath and straightened her spine, pivoting to face the long hallway with his intimidating office door at the end.

“What are you doing?”

Carina’s voice made Steph jump out of her skin. She whipped around to face a smug smile.

“Hello, Ms. Parker.” Stephanie dipped her head in a gesture she hoped was sufficiently humble. “I was… I was headed to the kitchen to grab some coffee for Bran—I mean for Mr. Knight. Would you like for me to bring you a cup?”

Her eyebrows only twitched a millimeter, but Stephanie knew she’d been caught by surprise. “Certainly. I like it with—”

“A teaspoon of cream. No sugar.”

This time, the brows arched high. Carina had to wonder how Steph knew, since they’d never spent any time together. Steph didn’t reveal that she’d overheard Carina ordering coffee at the party Saturday night.

“Ms. Parker, I’d like to apologize for my attitude earlier this morning. I’m afraid the stress of the move made me forget my place. I’m loyal to Mr. Knight, so I’m loyal to you.”

Her arms folded, slender fingers with perfectly manicured French nails tapping an impatient rhythm. “Forgive me if I think you’re lying through your teeth.”

With Ellie’s needs at the forefront of her mind, Steph bit her sarcastic tongue and forced a fake smile on her face. How she wanted to jab splinters under Carina’s impeccable fingernails! “The two of you are obviously in love. I want what’s best for my boss, and I’m smart enough to know that’s you.”

“Or…” Carina lifted a hand to her chin and tapped a finger against her lips. “You want what’s best for you, and you’re wise enough to know you need me.”

Steph let her smile fade. “Either way, I’m committed to support your relationship in any way I can. I’m not claiming to have much influence, but what little I have will be going your direction. I won’t criticize you or try to interfere. I promise.”

“Believe me, I’m not worried about your influence.” A mocking sneer slid onto Carina’s face. “I’ll take your promise, though I’m not making any. My moods change so quickly. You know how it is.”

Stephanie stood speechless as Carina turned her back and glided down the hallway with smooth strides like a model on a runway. When she disappeared into Bran’s office, a chill assaulted Steph’s spine. Her Granny used to say when you felt that, it meant someone was walking on your grave. Steph shook her head, turning toward the kitchen. “In my case, Carina would probably dance on it.”

Though she only needed sixty seconds to prepare the coffee, Stephanie took her time. Carina had rejected her peace offering, so Steph needed to be even more careful to stay in Branson’s good graces. Unfortunately, she had no idea what he wanted from her.

Did he suspect her attraction for him? Had it been a trick to force her to admit to it? He’d certainly set every nerve-ending on fire when his hands grasped her arms, examining her with magical, x-ray vision.

He had to know. There was no other reasonable explanation. He knew she was hopelessly in love with him. He knew, and he didn’t return the feeling.