His ringing cell phone interrupted the sound of his fingers drumming on the table. His phone’s dulcet feminine voice announced, “Call from Finn Anderson.”

“Yeah?” Bran answered with impatience.

Finn’s laugh rang in his ear. “Good morning to you, too. How’s it going? Has Stephanie moved in yet?”

Since their surprise weekend visit, Finn had been pestering him for details, calling multiple times each day.

“I told you yesterday, she’s moving in this morning.”

“And Carina? What did she say when you told her Stephanie was moving in?”

“It doesn’t matter what Carina thinks,” he growled. “This is my house and my life and my decision.”

“Ha! That from the man whose brand new fiancée moved into his house without signing a pre-nup agreement.”

“She’ll sign one.” Bran’s fingers tightened into a fist. “If she doesn’t, the wedding is off.”

“Whatever you say.” Finn chuckled. “Are you feeling better about Vegas? Did you invite Carina to go with you?”

“I mentioned the possibility to her. But I may not be able to go.” He forced a cough. “My throat’s getting scratchy.”

“Oh, no you don’t! You’re going to Vegas, even if you come from the hospital with an IV pole.”

As it did every time he thought about the upcoming trip, his heart hammered in his chest. “I think I need more time to prepare.”

“We were all planning to meet you in Vegas, but I can come there and fly on your jet, if you like.”

Bran wiped his sleeve across his perspiring forehead. “Maybe that would be a good idea. Carina hasn’t committed to going, anyway.”

“You never did say why you’re getting married. You don’t act like you’re in love with her.”

“Who said love has anything to do with marriage.” The subject made Bran angry, but anything was better than the panic he was feeling before.

“I can’t believe I’m hearing this from you. I thought you wanted to be different from your dad.”

“I am different. Phantom Enterprises proves it. I do good things with my money instead of spending every last dime on myself. And my resort business is expanding like wildfire. I’ll have even more money to give to our pet project.”

“But that’s your business, Bran. That’s only one part of your life. Don’t you want to marry for love? You always said how much you admired my folks and their marriage.”

“You’ve got no room to talk,” Bran retorted. “You’re thirty-two years old and you seldom go on a date.”

“That’s different.” Finn’s voice went quiet. “I can’t get married. It would be dishonest to do that, when I only have a few years to live.”

Bran’s throat went tight. He never liked being reminded of Finn’s diminished life expectancy. “You could outlive all of us. Aren’t you the same man who told me I shouldn’t waste a moment of life, because no one is promised to live another day?

“That’s not an excuse to hurt someone. I don’t want to marry a woman, knowing I’ll leave her a widow.”

“What about me and Cole and Jarrett? You don’t think we’ll be hurt when you die?”

“That’s different.” Finn’s words were distorted, like he was talking without moving his lips.

“It’s the same thing,” Bran insisted.

“How did we get off topic? We were talking about why you should marry for love instead of whatever this is with Carina.”

Bran let the air rush out of his lungs. “It’s not that I don’t want to marry for love, but I’m a realist. There’s only one reason a woman would want to marry me, and that’s my money and station. Carina and I laid out all the advantages and disadvantages and made the decision together.”

“Gee. Sounds like you’re purchasing stock options instead of planning a life together.”