r ears. “Of course I shall return at once to help protect my home from Vindrake’s impending attack, as would any faithful Stone Clan warrior.”

Confusion reigned as the entire council spoke at once, peppering her with too many questions, until Graely clapped his hands, calling for attention.

“Chaleah? What is your assessment?”

Under Chaleah’s discerning gaze, Arista squirmed. She’d forgotten her words would be tested by Stone Clan’s judge.

The willowy Chaleah rose from her chair, her dark auburn hair tucked into a tidy braid that fell past her waist. “Arista speaks both truth and untruth. This very morning she has seen a portal in her home, but she does not necessarily expect Vindrake’s men to attack through the portal. Am I correct, Arista?”

It was a rhetorical question, since Chaleah’s gift not only gave her the unfailing ability to detect truth and lies, but also prevented her from speaking falsehood. Consequently, Chaleah, like most with the gift of judging, had few friends who could tolerate her honesty.

Arista felt compelled to argue her point, defending the fact she hadn’t truly spoken a lie. “I’m intelligent enough not to venture through the portal alone, so I can’t be certain where it leads. While I don’t know without doubt Vindrake will attack through the portal, I think it’s probable.”

“Another new portal,” mused Nordamen. Usually, the slim shaman would have been accompanied by his son, Bardamen, who was poised to take his father’s position on the council that year. The son’s broad muscular frame made him look as if he were related to the weapons master rather than the shaman.

Nordamen moved to stand beside Graely, placing a hand on his shoulder. “This can’t be coincidence. Vindrake must have discovered a way to create a portal.”

Crossing his massive arms over his chest, Morvaen declared, “That’s impossible. The scribes of the Craedenza have always taught us only God can create a portal.”

“The wisdom of the Craedenza is drawn from the depths of our collected knowledge and writings, as our people recorded everything observed in our history,” said Nordamen. “But the lack of prior observation does not make a thing false any more than the written history makes it true. We must always allow for our own error.”

Graely added his consensus. “How well we know this. Only a few moons ago, we held the firm belief that no soulmate bond could form before the age of majority. And we had no notion of the existence of the Montana realm.”

“Enough talk!” Morvaen thundered. “We must act at once to secure the portal. Alleraen can’t be expected to defend Laegenshire alone.”

“I’ll return to my home at once, on your command, Morvaen.” Arista’s heart swelled with pride. Finally, she was a commissioned warrior.

“Arista, I’m afraid we have other tasks for you,” said Graely.

With her temper barely held in check, she forced her words though clenched teeth. “What task could be more important than protecting Laegenshire’s citizens from Water Clan?”

“As this may not be the only new portal, we need you to conduct a thorough search of the entirety of Laegenshire... everything within the walls.”

“All of Laegenshire? I would be gray and feeble before I could search every handspan within the walls of Laegenshire.”

Arista’s gaze moved from face to face, searching for sympathy from some of the council members... from any of them. But one by one, they dropped their eyes, and no one spoke in support. This stupid portal! I thought I would finally get to be a warrior. Instead, I’m to be a wolf following a scent.

“I’m afraid the appearance of yet another new portal confirms our fears,” Darielle commented. “We’re all in grave danger, both in Tenavae and in the other realm. Should I pass on this news to Jireo in Montana?”

“Another new portal?” asked Arista. “Where’s the other one? Who found it?” She grasped at a tiny thread of hope. If someone else had located a portal, she must not be the only Stone Clansman with the gift of gresses. Perhaps she could have this other gressor assigned to search for portals, leaving her free to join the warriors preparing for Vindrake’s attack.

Before anyone could answer, the door crashed open. In the doorway stood a tall woman with curly black hair. Her eyes, though the typical dark green of Stone Clan, were somehow brighter,sparkling as faceted stones, set in smooth dusky skin. She stood at least a hand taller than everyone else in the room, save Morvaen, to whom she marched, standing nose to nose.

“Weapons Master... I’ve accessed the strength of our forces residing within Laegenshire’s walls. Many have returned to their homes to work the fields, and we would be sorely deficit in defense were Water Clan to attack this night.”

“What is your recommendation, Thalaena?”

Arista observed the exchange with fascination. Everyone knew Thalaena was the likely candidate to be Stone Clan’s next weapons master when she acquired thirty years, just over a year from now. Rather than weapons and strength, like Morvaen, Thalaena was gifted in weapons and agility—the same major gifts Arista possessed. She was everything Arista wanted to be.

Thalaena’s so incredible! Perhaps she’ll be ready to pass the council position to me in thirteen years, when I have thirty.

“We should call in our first level warriors and set the second level warriors on alert should the bells be rung.”

“Graely?” Morvaen gave the Stone Clan leader an opportunity to offer his opinion, though Arista knew Graely trusted his weapons master to decide. The clever move allowed the two to grow accustomed to working together.

“Thank you, Thalaena. Please carry out your plan at once,” said Graely. “We have discovered yet another portal... this one within our very walls, so time is of the essence. Only those in this room are privy to that knowledge. I trust you understand the need for discretion.”

Her chin jutted out, emphasizing her terse reply. “If Stone Clan’s secrets are revealed, they won’t come from my lips.”