No. She wouldn’t do that, would she?

“Now, Alora. To the hospital.” Beth wore her no-nonsense expression.

Beth can be really bossy sometimes, but I love her for it.


Wesley stood staring at the floor. Two cell phones and a set of keys lay on the carpet where his friends had been only moments before. Will I ever see Alora and Kaevin again?

He jumped when Daegreth spoke behind him. “Do you believe they made it to the healing house in time?”

“I hope so. I’m not even sure that’s where Alora took them. They could be anywhere.” Wesley stuffed his hands in his pockets to stop their shaking.

The door banged open and Steven ambled into the family room, flopping onto the couch. “I’m full as a tick.” Steven rubbed his belly. “You should have come with us, Wesley.”

Brian stepped through the door, halting in mid-step as his eyes fell on Daegreth. “Hello, Daegreth. I’m… I’m glad to see you. What made you decide to uhmm… to come out of the bedroom? Not that I’m worried or anything.” He lifted a questioning eyebrow to Wesley.

His mother came in behind his father, pushing him out of the way as she turned to shut the door and hang up her coat. “Why are you blocking the doorway, Brian? And why don’t you take your shoes off before you track dirt everywhere? You, too, Steven. We missed you at lunch, Wesley. I’ve brought some food home for you and…” Her voice trailed off as she caught sight of Daegreth, backing toward the bedroom.

“Don’t leave, Daegreth. Jireo says you’re safe now.” Wesley caught his arm.

“Your parents still fear me, and with good cause.” Daegreth studied his feet.

Wesley pulled him back to face the family. “While you were gone, Kaevin and Alora showed up here, with Jireo. They’d been injured, and I called Beth, who came over with Dr. Sanders. It’s kind of a long story, but Raelene came too, and they all transported to the hospital just a minute ago. I mean literally… a minute before you walked in the door, they were all still here.”

“Are they okay? How badly were they injured?” Karen pulled her coat back over her shoulders. “We should probably go to the hospital.”

“What about the portal?” asked his father. “Did Jireo tell you if the portal is sealed?”

“Jireo said the portal is closed for good. Vindrake can never come here unless Alora brings him. So Daegreth really is safe now. That’s why I cut him loose.”

Steven rose from the couch, walking around the other end toward Daegreth. “That’s wonderful news, son.”

Their father rolled his eyes. Steven had been milking the genetic relation for all it was worth. He’d even started calling their parents Grandpa and Granny.

“Yikes!” Steven yelled as he rounded the corner behind the couch. “Who’s this dead guy?”

“Cripes!” Wesley’s heart pounded, fighting to escape his ribcage. “I forgot all about Alleraen. He’s dead?”


As he trudged along, Charles scrubbed at his teeth with the frayed end of a stick. I really miss my toothbrush and toothpaste. And my bed with my good mattress. And my shower. In front of him, Graely came to a sudden stop, and Charles slammed into his back, jamming the stick into his gums.



Charles froze, his hearing zoning in on every sound in the forest. A bird warbled. The wind whistled through the treetops. A twig cracked. Tiny hairs stood up on the back of his neck. He tasted blood in his mouth, but he didn’t dare move.

“Clear ahead.” Morvaen spoke the words in a soft voice rather than calling out to the entire group.

“Clear ahead,” Graely repeated over his shoulder.

“Clear ahead.” Charles passed the message in a whisper to Markaeus, who parroted the words to Haegen, and on to the last of the company. Two days of trekking through the woods, waiting to be attacked, had every muscle in Charles’ body tense and aching.

He touched Graely’s shoulder, speaking in a harsh whisper. “Can we assume we’re home free? I mean, if none of the Water Clan warriors have found us yet, we’re probably safe, right? Just one more day until we get to Laegenshire?”

Graely started moving again, and Charles followed, pushing though the low-growing bushes that grabbed at his thighs. I’m glad I’m wearing heavy-duty work pants. Normal ones would’ve been torn to shreds.