“Come on, A.J.” Beth tugged on Dr. Sanders’ arm, turning him until he faced the other direction. “This is important. You just don’t understand it yet.”

Jireo was the only one still watching, but his obvious misery reminded Alora the kiss was about saving their lives, not a romantic encounter. Supporting her weight on one elbow, she leaned over, pressing her lips to Kaevin’s.

After what seemed like an hour, but was probably sixty seconds, Kaevin’s lips responded to hers. His eyes opened and his hand cupped her face. He kissed her back. Like he meant it.

“Alora, what happened? You’re healed?” The happiness in his eyes transformed to confusion as his gaze dropped to her arms.

“Everything’s great now. I don’t hurt any more.” She collapsed back on the floor, exhausted but full of joy. “My head doesn’t even hurt. Does yours?”

“Just a little. It’s much better.” A relieved smile lit up his face, and Alora admired the cute dimples she’d thought she would never see again.

“Nothing has changed. His death is still coming.” Jireo sobbed the words into his fist.

“Alora hasn’t been healed,” Raelene explained. “She’s using her gift of empathy to mask her pain. The strength I gave her didn’t alter her physical condition. It only gave her the energy to remain conscious for a bit.”

“So, it’s like you got a shot of morphine and a shot of adrenaline,” Beth clarified. “You still need to be treated at the hospital for your burns. A.J. said you’re septic.” Beth glanced at Dr. Sanders, who was pacing and fuming, muttering under his breath.

“That’s right, she’s septic. And we’ve wasted so much time she probably won’t make it to the hospital.”

A throb of pain alerted Alora to the fact the ice had melted. “Wesley, can you bring a new ice cube?”

“I’ll bring a gallon Ziploc bag of ice cubes.” He dashed away.

“Why can’t Alora just transport to the hospital?” Beth asked Raelene. “Now that she’s awake and has enough strength?”

“I’ve discovered Alora has been using the soulmate bond as her source of power, rather than drawing from water, stone and forest. If she transports again, I fear she might kill them.”

“If she doesn’t transport them to the healing house, they’re going to die anyway.” At Jireo’s harsh whispered words, Alora felt a rush of compassion. He was clearly agonizing over the thought of losing Kaevin. To her surprise, she realized Jireo cared about her possible death as well… separate and apart from Kaevin’s.

“Here are the ice cubes.” Wesley opened the bag so Alora could slip her hand inside. As she fisted a frozen cube the pain dissipated, but she also noticed her racing heart and rapid panting.

“Alora, can you transport to the hospital with Kaevin and Dr. Sanders while you concentrate on the ice?” Beth’s voice seemed to come from a tunnel.


“Yes! Yes, you can do this. This will work, Alora. I feel it. Please try.” Jireo pleaded with red-rimmed eyes.

“I’ll try…”

“Wait, Alora! A.J. needs to go. Come on A.J.”

“What? What are you doing?” Dr. Sanders protested, but Beth grabbed his hand, tugging him toward Alora.

He might as well give up. Beth always gets her way.

“Now, Alora. Go now. Take us to the hospital.”

As the ice melted around Alora’s fingers, a comfortable peace enveloped her, like a soft, warm blanket. It’s so nice not to feel pain. Turning her head in response to Kaevin’s squeeze on her other hand, she saw his face, blurred and fuzzy. She blinked until he came back into focus. Deep emotion shone in his eyes. He loves me. He really loves me.

“Alora? Can you transport us? To the hospital?”

She moved her lips, but she couldn’t form any words. Strange. Why can’t I speak? Her eyelids refused to stay open.

“Alora?” Kaevin’s urgent voice drew her attention. “Can you transport us to the hospital?”

Why does he want to go to the hospital? I don’t hurt anymore.

“Alora!” Someone shook her body, and she blinked her eyes open to find Beth’s face inches from hers. “If you don’t transport us to the hospital right now, I’m going to post that video on Facebook… the one where you were dancing around in your underwear.”