I survived an arrow in my leg. I escaped capture by a nasty, smelly Water Clan warrior. I unlocked Kaevin’s iron belt right under Vindrake’s nose, and I opened the lock on Vindrake’s own belt as he wore it. I even bit him, and it left a nasty taste in my mouth. I’m not afraid of you. I’m not afraid of anything.”

One side of Daegreth’s mouth curled upward. “You believe that makes you brave? I say it makes you foolish.”

“What are you afraid of, O Wise One?” Arista arched one shapely brow.

Daegreth turned his face away.

Beth inched forward. “I’m not afraid of you either. I just don’t like loud yelling. So be quiet while I put this bandage back on.”

“Let’s get back to the matter at hand.” Alora stood at a careful distance from the bedside. “Daegreth, are there any secrets you can let us in on? Like special hiding places we could use if we got caught?”

“But how can we get caught?” asked Arista. “I thought you were going to transport us out of there as soon as I close the portal.”

“Nordamen says Vindrake will have certain areas warded against transports. Raelene told me my gift may be strong enough to transport even with the wards, but we won’t know for certain until we try.”

“I want to know if we can steal something from Vindrake.” Arista grinned, rubbing her hands together. “Something important. Something we could use to defeat him.”

“I believe he keeps anything of value locked inside a chest in his private quarters. The chest is too heavy to carry, and the lock is strong and secure,” said Daegreth.

“Opening a lock is easier for me than riding a horse,” declared Arista with a flick of her hair over her shoulders.

“Arista, that’s not our mission,” said Kaevin. “We’re going for one purpose only… to close the portal. Nothing more. We go outside the portal when no one is in the area. You seal the portal. Alora transports us back… if she can.”

“And if I can’t, we hightail it to some place where I can transport us.”

“This entire plan is fraught with peril.” Daegreth scowled. “Why not simply guard the portal on this end to ensure no one comes through?”

“We thought of that.” Alora twisted a long strand of hair around her finger. “But evidently the entrance is in the middle of a huge national park. It would be impossible for anyone to guard the portal twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year. It’s miles from any habitable place.”

“This much I can tell you,” said Daegreth. “Vindrake’s lair is located inside the cavern on the water’s edge, as are the dungeons. The entire system has but one entrance or exit, which is heavily guarded, although there are rumors of a secret passage known only to Vindrake. Should the portal open inside the cavern, and should the cavern be warded, you’ll have to abandon your quest.”

Throbbing pain swelled behind Alora’s eyes. “I guess I’ll have to test it before we let Arista close up the portal… to make sure I can transport us out of there. Although, right now, my head’s hurting too much to think about it.”

“Alora, I believe we should go back to Laegenshire tonight,” said Kaevin.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I’ve made several transports, and we’ve already been to Laegenshire once today.”

“For some reason, I’m concerned for Jireo. I believe we should bring him here immediately. It feels urgent to me.”

“Weren’t you planning to fetch Jireo for the big expedition, anyway?” asked Beth. “He might give us some good input.”

“Yes. I believe I’ll feel much better when Jireo has some input on the matter. We always seem to work better in tandem.” Kaevin’s spirit lifted as he spoke. “Daegreth, it will be interesting for you and Jireo to finally meet. Although, I suppose we could call your original encounter a meeting as well… during the battle when you attempted to kill one another.”

“No, don’t bring my brother here,” complained Arista. “Can’t you wait a few days? He’s always giving me orders.”

A dagger shot through Alora’s head, and Kaevin gave an audible groan.

“You two are still having headaches?” Beth’s voice had a muffled echo as if it came from a tunnel.

“Please, take us to Jireo now. We mustn’t delay.” Kaevin squeezed Alora’s hand.

Alora ignored a fleeting guilty thought about not asking Uncle Charles’ permission. Every second is important. She transported straight to Jireo.


A cloud of thick, dark smoke totally obscured her vision.

“Kaevin! Where are we? Where’s Jireo?” Alora choked on the acrid fumes.