What happened? I know U called Dr. Sanders? Who got hurt?

OMG! Going crazy here! U better be dead or IM gonna kill U!

“I’m going to check out Charles’ head. I think the light may be better in the bathroom.” Dr. Sanders slipped down the hall.

Alora called Beth, who answered on the first ring. “Where are you? Why didn’t you call me? What happened? Has there been another battle? Who got hurt?”

“Slow down. There was no battle. Daegreth’s bond to Vindrake evidently started working again.” Alora tried to use a calming voice, but she cracked up when she saw Arista’s expression. Her eyes were huge and round like fifty cent pieces as she eyed the cell phone.

“Is that Beth’s voice?” Arista asked. “Is it another magick box?”

“It’s called a phone,” Kaevin answered for her. “It’s not magick. They call it tech-no-lo-gy.” His smile was smug as he spoke the word, emphasizing each syllable.

“But who got hurt?” Beth’s voice rang out again.

“Daegreth tried to kill everybody. Uncle Charles and Wesley got some cuts and bruises but, in the end, just Brian and Daegreth were seriously injured.”

“Oh, no! How bad were they hurt?”

“We took Mr. Franks to the hospital. He got stabbed in the chest. And Daegreth got shot in his side.”

“Brian shot Daegreth?”

“No, Wesley shot him, just in time to save Kaevin’s life.”

“And I missed the whole thing.” Arista’s voice came from right behind Alora’s shoulder, where she’d moved to better view the cell phone.

“I can’t believe that stupid bloodbond came back after Daegreth’s been here a month with nothing happening,” Beth remarked. “Will you transport me over there in a few minutes? Please? I’ve been dying to meet Daegreth all this time.”

“Not unless you get your mother’s permission.”

“Awesome! I just got ungrounded today. I’ll call you back after I talk to her. Bye.”

Graely emerged from the bedroom with a nod to Kaevin. “He asked to speak to you. I believe his bindings are secure, so you’re safe to go in.”

All the blood seemed to drain from Kaevin’s face. Was he afraid of Daegreth now? Graely must have noticed the same thing because he squeezed Kaevin’s shoulder and spoke in a reassuring tone. “I believe he wants to beg your pardon. Perhaps he can feel death coming. You should speak with him so he can find his peace.”

Kaevin stood and plodded stiffly into the bedroom like he was walking the plank.


Kaevin’s stomach churned. Arriving beside Daegreth’s bed, he cleared his throat in the awkward silence. Daegreth opened his eyes and speared Kaevin with an intense pleading stare.

“I’m so sorry. You must believe me. I beg you not to hate me.” Daegreth’s voice cracked.

“I know you couldn’t help it. I don’t hold it against you.”

“I kicked you in the ribs. Are you injured?”

Kaevin gingerly probed his ribcage. “It’s not too painful, probably not even broken.” Daegreth didn’t need to know Dr. Sanders had said otherwise. He was already torturing himself over what he’d done.

“Kaevin… you promised me—”

“Don’t ask me, Daegreth. I can’t do it now. Perhaps in the heat of battle to protect Alora, but not now. Not like this.”

“Please, Kaevin. I can’t bear to live, knowing at any time I could turn on my friends and… and family. One breath I was perfectly fine, the next Vindrake’s will was back inside my mind. You saw what happened. I almost killed you and Alora. I injured Brian and Wesley and Charles.”