“Very few find my honesty bearable enough to call me friend, Vinnasae. I hope I haven’t lost that privilege tonight. The unintended slight is of no consequence now that Drakeon has lost his right to succession.”

“I haven’t disinherited my son, yet. He hasn’t had adequate opportunity to explain his actions.”

“But I’m afraid the decision is not in your hands, Vinnasae. You’ve already spoken the accusation within my hearing. As chief judge, only I can determine whether Drakeon has truly abandoned the rule of Water Clan or simply made a youthful mistake.” Barristae’s toothy smile transformed to a snarl as he met Vindrake’s glare.

With every word Barristae uttered, Vindrake’s rage grew. In a blink he was looming over the diminutive judge, his face so close he could smell his foul breath. “You have no right to judge me. I’ve risked everything for the good of Water Clan, while you cowered here in Portshire during every battle.” He felt his blood pulsing in his temples as he ground the words out. “I’ve gained the gift of strength, which could only come with God’s blessing. With my added gift, I’ll be invincible. Water Clan will be invincible.”

Barristae took two steps back, holding his hands up as if to protect himself from the onslaught of Vindrake’s furious words. “You speak truth, Drakeon. You have acted courageously while I’ve shown cowardice. Your words are all true… except one part. We both know the acquisition of your gift, though indeed extremely valuable to Water Clan, was not sanctioned by God.”

Vindrake’s chest burned with wrath; his very skin felt afire. The rage grew, swelling from his chest, scorching and clogging his head like molten iron. He flew at Barristae, gripping his neck and squeezing, while the man flailed helplessly in his hands. He was vaguely aware of his father’s frantic voice and someone pulling at his arms, but he kept his unrelenting grasp on Barristae’s neck until the man ceased his thrashing and his body crumpled to the floor.

Unbidden, Vindrake recalled the words of allegiance from the Maladorn scroll. A strange clarity entered his mind.

“Vindrake! What have you done?” His father’s words finally penetrated as the thick heat receded from his body.

Vindrake blinked hard, suddenly aware of Barristae’s limp form at his feet. Had he done that? It had seemed like he was watching a dream, not committing the act.

“Father, I didn’t mean to. My new gift… I didn’t realize how strong I was.” His mind raced. “We mustn’t tell anyone. We can tell them he choked on a piece of meat. There’s an uneaten piece on his plate. I can stuff it in his throat.”

“Drakeon, you know we can’t do that. We can’t lie, though I believe it was an accident.”

“But Father—”

“Silence! Let me think.” Vinassae paced, shaking his head as he raked his fingers through his hair. “We must tell the truth, but they will understand, Drakeon. Your new gifting in strength is strong, and you have no training. We have other judges in Water Clan. You can tell the truth, and you’ll be cleared of murder.”

“Will you defend me, Father? Will you explain to the council how my new gift will be beneficial for me as clan leader?”

His father’s eyes filled with tears. “Drakeon, I’m afraid you cannot be clan leader, not after this.”

Vindrake’s chest squeezed tight, cutting off his air. His vision narrowed until all he could see was his father’s face, his downturned lips speaking silent words of disappointment.

“Father, how can you say that after I sacrificed a year of my life to be a better clan leader?”

“Yet there was no need for your actions. You would have been a fine clan leader, just as you were. Who knows… perhaps with your gift of language, Water Clan was meant to expand across the seas. But now…”

“Now I’m even better. I still have my gift of language, and now I have strength as well. Don’t you see?”

Vinnasae bit his lip as tears tracked down his cheeks. “I’m sorry, Drakeon. You must be chained until the judge clears you of wrongdoing. I’ll be certain he comes to you early on the morrow.” Vinnasae reached out, placing a sympathetic hand on Vindrake’s arm.

“You would chain up your own son?” Shaking off his father’s grasp, Vindrake panicked at the thought of confinement. Inside his chest and head, he felt hot, bitter anger expanding. “I’m warning you, Father. Do

n’t do this.”

“I don’t want to. Truly, I don’t. But I have an obligation to Water Clan and its laws. Try to understand…” Vinnasae seemed to shrink as he pleaded.

Though his father’s words rang true, Vindrake’s rage grew until it threatened to burst from his skull. “You have an obligation to me, too. You should protect your son.”

“Drakeon, I have no choice.”

“I bet you’re happy now. I always knew Alleraen was your favorite son.” Vindrake’s entire body vibrated as he seethed within.

“Vindrake, that’s not true. I don’t have a favorite son. I love both of you equally.”

The lie plunged through Vindrake’s heart like a sword. Barristae had cursed Vindrake, for in his death the Water Clan judge passed to Vindrake the gift that now confirmed his greatest fear… his father truly loved his brother more.

Vindrake lunged for him in a blinded frenzy. Grappling. Wrestling. As his rage grew, feeding his furious struggle, his hands reached his father’s neck and squeezed his throat.

Vindrake cried out as a sharp stab pierced his arm. Dropping his hands, he screamed with pain and fury over the blade imbedded in his flesh. He grasped the handle and pulled it free, staring in shock at the blood pouring from the gash.