At this question, Daegreth began to sputter and strain, his face reddening and his words emerging in strangled bits. “I gladly serve Vindrake, and I have no desire to be free of his control. I love the bondmark as I love my master.”

Graely motioned with his head, stepping outdoors with Chaleah. Alora, Kaevin and Brian followed behind.

“Now you see, Alora,” said Kaevin. “Now do you understand what I’ve been trying to tell you?”

“No.” Chaleah held up her hand. “He was lying.”

“What do you mean?” asked Graely. “Everything he said was a lie?”

“No, he told the truth when he said he would kill everyone in the room if you unchained him. However he lied about serving Vindrake freely and gladly. Also, he was lying when he said he had no desire to be free of his control. The boy is in agony bearing his bondmark.”

Kaevin objected. “But he’s in Vindrake’s honor guard. He must have been malicious to obtain such a position. At the least, he must have been enthusiastic in carrying out Vindrake’s evil wishes.”

“Yes, he spoke truth concerning his position as honor guard,” Chaleah affirmed.

“We know so little of how Vindrake operates,” said Graely. “It’s mere speculation what one must do to be an honor guard.”

“So was I right, then?” asked Alora. “I could see something in his eyes. Something like sorrow or regret, a great sadness.”

“I don’t think you should be looking so closely at his eyes,” mumbled Kaevin.

“I only know he wishes he was not under Vindrake’s control. I have no idea whether he would be good or evil without that control,” said Chaleah.

“Can’t you just ask him?” Alora probed. “Ask him if he’s wicked, and you can tell if he’s lying.”

“No, the question is too subjective,” said Chaleah.

“I have an idea,” said Graely with an excited smile. “Come Chaleah, and listen carefully to his responses.”

Graely returned indoors to his bedside, while Chaleah stood close by, observing.

“Your name is Daegreth, is it not?”

“Yes,” his voice held a cautious note.

“Daegreth, I’ve decided you’re not really a danger to us. I’m going to unlock your chains and let you go back to your master.”

“Father!” Kaevin stepped up to clasp his shoulder. “This is a mistake!”

But Graely held up his hand to silence his so


“The decision has been made. I will brook no interference.”

Daegreth’s eyes opened wide. “Yes! Unchain me. I will tear you limb from limb.”

“I don’t think you’ll do that. I don’t think you want to hurt me, deep down inside. Only promise you won’t attack, and I’ll release you right now.”

Daegreth’s mouth opened and closed. Coughing and choking, his eyes watered. “I… won’t… Yes… let me go. I serve my master, Vindrake. I serve my master. My master wants you dead.” His voice trailed off. “I serve my master, Vindrake. I serve my master…”

“Daegreth, would you like for me to let you go?”

“Yes… Let me go… I won’t hurt you.” He turned his face away.

“Would you prefer I kill you now?”

“No… please…” He sobbed out the words.