“Was your father killed by Vindrake’s men?” Graely peered over Brian’s shoulder.

Daegreth’s face clouded as his features turned wooden. “I freely and gladly serve my master, Vindrake.”

“This is a waste of time,” Kaevin complained. “We’ve done more than was required of us. This man is an enemy warrior who tried to kill Jireo and may have killed other Laegenshire citizens. We’ve saved his life and delivered him back to Laegenshire. Let’s be on our way before your uncle becomes more impatient.”

“May I ask a question?” Daegreth’s pleading expression was earnest, but Kaevin couldn’t shake his skepticism, especially standing so close to the repugnant bondmark.

“Go ahead,” Brain encouraged, patting his arm. “What do you want to know?”

“Before this, did I die? Did you bring me back to life?”

“No son, you were in a hospital in America, and I’d like to take you back with me.”

“I thought… I thought I was dead. I couldn’t feel… It was as if…”

Graely interrupted, “It doesn’t matter, Brian, because I can’t let you take him back to Montana. We can’t introduce Vindrake’s influence into the other realm.”

“But we’d be careful—”

“We can’t predict what accidents might happen. I’m sorry, Brian. We must return him to Vindrake for the safety of everyone involved.”

“Everyone except Daegreth,” Brian corrected.

Graely’s jaw hardened. “Brian, if I could remove the bloodbond or rehabilitate him in any way, I would do so. Don’t you believe I’ve tried in the past?”

Alora stepped between the two arguing men to confront Graely. “What if Daegreth is different from the others? He has a good soul, so maybe we can save him. Think of all the things you could learn from him. Things that could help you defeat Vindrake. You could ask him all sorts of questions.”

Kaevin saw his father’s eyebrows arch high on his forehead. He found himself dragged away by his elbow as his father spoke to him in low tones. “We could question him with Chaleah present. If he didn’t realize he was talking to a judge, we could cull a great deal of information from his answers.”

“But we’d still return him to Vindrake? You’re not considering allowing him to return to Montana with Brian?”

“No, no. Perhaps Brian will be mollified upon hearing the truth as Chaleah interprets it from the man’s own words. We can ask him what he would do if we released him. Surely Brian will relent when he realizes this man will readily kill his entire family if given the opportunity.”

“Yes. And Alora could see that he’s truly dangerous and violent. ” He glanced over his shoulder at her frowning visage.

“The plan is a good one. I will speak to Chaleah and arrange with Laethan to secure him in a private place for questioning. You explain the plan to Alora and Brian, but don’t let the warrior…” He hesitated, cutting his eyes to the bound man lying on the ground. “Don’t let Daegreth overhear. He mustn’t know Chaleah is a judge.” He clapped Kaevin on the shoulder and strode away.

Kaevin nodded, proud to have his father consult with him and acutely aware of Alora’s condemning stare. The gaze she turned back to Daegreth was full of sympathy. He wondered if he might yet have an opportunity to deliver that kick to the ribs.


Alora stood in the back beside Kaevin and Brian, idly twisting a strand of hair with her fingers. She couldn’t help feeling Daegreth was about to undergo a trial without a lawyer. It seemed unfair not to explain that a judge, who could detect truth or falsehood, would interpret his answers.

Secured to a bed with chains, Daegreth didn’t protest, though the restraint seemed humiliating to Alora. In fact, he appeared more at ease since the small plastic cable ties had been replaced with heavy iron restraints.

Chaleah stood close by, watching and listening as Graely questioned him. “Whom do you serve?”

“I freely and gladly serve the great Master Vindrake.”

“What position do you hold in Vindrake’s service?”

“I am in his honor guard.”

“And if you were unchained from this bed, what would you do?”

“If I had the strength to do so, I would kill you, and everyone in this room, obeying the will of my master.” Alora was shocked as he delivered his answer without emotion, not even a hint of remorse or regret. Brian flinched, and his stiff shoulders drooped a tiny bit.

“Would you like to be free of the bloodbond that ties you to Vindrake?”