“That a large number of these Water Clan warriors despise their bloodbond and wish to die.” Morvaen took up his habitual pacing, emphasizing his words with each pounding step. “I have never been attacked by so many warriors of small stature with little skill and no hope of winning as happened tonight. It’s almost as if Vindrake sent them as a distraction, with no intention of defeating us.”

“I think that could’ve been his motivation. His true goal was to kill Alora and Kaevin, and he almost succeeded.” Graely’s stomach tightened at the memory of his son’s distorted face.

“I felt many of the Water Clan warriors were using my sword to end their existence, rushing at me with fear and desperation on their faces, rather than the fury of battle. More than one died with a smile, despite the pain of a fatal injury.” Morvaen closed his eyes as he spoke.

“Surely this can’t be true. I thought the bloodbond changed the Water Clan people. I thought they became as evil as Vindrake when they took the bondmark.”

“I believed the same, Graely. Honestly, I did. Every action and word of every Water Clan citizen, male or female, has been vile and motivated by wickedness. I thought his bond transformed them, mind and soul. But what if it doesn’t? What if it only controls them?”

As the horror of this idea settled in his mind, his mouth went dry. “It can’t be true. It’s… it’s too awful.”

“But I’ve come to believe this as well, Graely.” Laethan’s hand clasped his shoulder. “Yet I can’t conceive how we could separate those who are truly evil from those who are merely controlled by Vindrake’s bondmark. Certainly there must be some of each.”

Morvaen frowned. “What decision, Graely?”

“What to do with the Water Clan prisoners. If they are good people controlled by an evil bond, what would they prefer? What would you want if it were you? Would you rather be imprisoned for the rest of your existence or return to live in Water Clan and serve Vindrake? Of course, we’ve never been able to incorporate them as Stone Clan citizens.”

“I would prefer to die.” Morvaen’s tone was flat.

“But that’s not an option. I can’t have them executed.”

“Perhaps my attempt to save the young Water Clan warrior was not the act of mercy I thought.” The uncertainty in his chief healer’s voice surprised Graely.

“I’ll not decide his fate this moment,” said Graely. “I believe we should have a council meeting on the subject. Fortunately, there are very few Water Clan warriors who’ve not already succumbed to their injuries. For the present, their lives are in your hands, Laethan.”

He grunted in reply before turning to respond to a call from one of his


“Graely, I’m so sorry about Kaevin.” Morvaen drew his attention. “I feel it’s partly my fault. I should have sent them back the moment I saw them. Instead, I tried to compromise, thinking to keep them safe from Vindrake while using them to aid in the battle. Now I regret my actions.”

“No Morvaen, I’m as guilty as you. I was so gladdened to have Kaevin fighting by my side, I forgot how treacherous Vindrake can be. They came to me when they first transported. I, too, could have sent them to safety, but I didn’t.”

Morvaen picked up the speed of his pacing, a dizzying prospect in the limited space between the beds. “If Kaevin and Alora survive, we must find a way to dissolve the soulmate bond. At least that would eliminate one avenue for Vindrake to kill them. And Alora could remain safe in Montana until she has grown into her powers.”

“But you’re forgetting about the portal,” Graely reminded him.

Morvaen stopped in his tracks. “The portal… truly, I’d forgotten our discussion of a portal between the two realms. If there’s a portal...”

“There is a portal. There must be. Nordamen says only a portal would explain all of the events that occurred.”

“Very well. I will concede that a portal must exist.”

“Then you must consider the possibility… no, the probability… that Vindrake will locate the portal entrance.”

“Is there not a method to close and seal the portal? After all, we don’t need it; we have Alora to transport us between realms.”

“Closing the portal… an interesting proposition. That’s a question for Nordamen.”

“That’s a question for another time and another place.” At the sound of Laethan’s clipped voice in his ear, Graely turned toward his glowering face. Laethan continued, “If you aren’t going to help, at the very least you can move and stop clogging up my corridors.”

Stifling a grin, Graely backed toward the door. “Sorry, Laethan. I was just leaving. I need to speak to Nordamen and Bardamen right away.”

“Take this tree trunk with you.” Laethan shoved Morvaen, a futile effort against his hulking frame.

“I’ll leave you to your healing.” Morvaen laughed, but then his face sobered.

“Graely, I need to gather our dead. Will you have a departing ceremony for the fallen warriors today?”