“This is beyond my abilities. I cannot heal him. Perhaps Nordamen could do something to reverse the damage, but it would probably be too late.”

“Alora, he could die. We’ve got to go.” Beth was squeezing her arm.

“But, do I leave everyone else here? If I die, no one can get home.”

“Bring them here, quickly.” Raelene stood up and cleared a space.

This time, the three other travelers stumbled into the room, almost falling down.

Gasping for breath, Uncle Charles said, “We were on our way here, running as fast as we could. What happened to Kaevin?”

“He needs to go to the emergency room right away, Mr. Whitford,” Beth explained.

“Who should go back to Montana, and who’s going to stay here?” Alora asked.

“Let the young people go,” Mr. Franks said. “Come back for us when you can.”

Uncle Charles nodded, placing an arm around Raelene’s shoulders. “Brian’s right. The young people need to go. Hurry.”

Wesley knelt, levering his arms under Kaevin and lifting him up, straining with the effort. “Let’s go.”

As they grasped his elbows, Alora’s last vision of her uncle was his tear-streaked face, watching them leave. He mouthed, I love you, and they were gone.

~ 5 ~

Vindrake tossed away the sightstone, useless with the death of the warrior who wore it. At least Zaester had accomplished his purpose before dying. Standing, Vindrake confronted Malphas, who approached at a trot, his straight brown hair plastered to his head with sweat, his cloak billowing behind him.

“Master Vindrake, we must make haste. A great number of Stone Clan warriors have joined the fight. Our warriors are overrun.”

“Yet it seems you’ve escaped without harm.”

“I only hurried away when I saw the extra fighters arrive. I wanted to warn you, lest Graely send a force and discover your proximity. You’ve moved even closer to the town walls, so it’s good that I came.” Only a slight tremor of his chin belied his anxiety.

“And where is my other shaman?”

“Arioch was foolish. He thought to challenge Nordamen directly, but he misjudged his own strength.”

“So I assume he’s dead, then?”

“Yes, Sire, consumed by his own flames.” Malphas’ upper lip shuddered in distaste.

“And what of the third wendt?”

“A third wendt? I wasn’t aware you’d made three.”

“I created another out of necessity when Alora killed the first two and sent them back to me. But the third has not returned, so I assume it still lives.”

“Alora’s here? In Laegenshire?”

“Indeed. If Graely had been wise, he would have kept them both beyond my reach. I’ve already taken advantage of Graely’s mistake. Alora and Kaevin are both dead, or they soon will be.” The words tasted sweet on his tongue. He’d wondered if he might experience a pang of regret at his daughter’s death, and was happy to find he felt none. His only regret was losing the opportunity to use her powers. “I saw Kaevin fall with a slice from the slaying sword.”

“You were able to make use of the slaying sword? That’s wonderful news indeed, Sire.” He looked over his shoulder. “But we should hurry and return to the safety of Portshire so we can plan our next attack.”

“Your obvious cowardice is quite disappointing. Fortunately for you, I happen to agree. And I’m in great spirits.” With a lingering backward glance at the walls of Laegenshire, he limped to his waiting steed. Strange he should be so content with Alora’s death, despite her familial relationship. On the other hand, he’d learned long ago the ties of kin and the bonds of love weren’t trustworthy.


“Where is he? Where’s Kaevin?” Graely bounded into the healing house, breathless from his haste and frantic with worry, with Jireo on his heels.