Erin had begged him to volunteer at the adoption tent, but he’d blown her off. Now he was kicking himself as he watched her conversing with the enticing blond waif holding a white rabbit in her arms. The way the girl pulled her plump lower lip into her mouth while her blond brows furrowed invited him to kiss those lips and see just how soft they were.

Why am I thinking about kissing this girl when I haven’t even met her? I bet she doesn’t even live here—she’s probably just visiting someone in Romance. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind. No need to dream about what would never happen.

After Darla broke up with him, he resigned himself to the fact that he’d never find a girl who’d be happy with the life he’d envisioned. Darla seemed to be his perfect match. Attractive and smart, her exuberant personality drew people to her like a magnet, and Adam was no exception. He was only surprised that such a beautiful girl was interested in him. She hadn’t been the least bit bothered by his slight limp. Of course, Adam worked out to strengthen his muscles, performing his physical therapy exercises with exacting discipline, to compensate for his physical deficit, but he was still self-conscious. Most of the time, his awkward gait was barely noticeable, but Darla hadn’t cared at all... at least, that’s what he believed.

He also thought they shared the same dreams... to build a home together in Romance and raise a houseful of kids—some of their own and some adopted. Only a few months before the wedding date, Darla hinted she didn’t really want to live in Romance for the rest of her life. She wasn’t even sure she wanted kids. A week later, the wedding was off, and Darla had moved to Seattle.

When Adam realized he regretted giving up his dreams and disappointing his family more than losing Darla, he lost faith in his own judgment. Had he even been in love with her? Consequently, he hadn’t gone on a date for the past two years, instead, throwing himself into his work and supporting his town, even taking on the responsibility of mayor when the former mayor had to resign for health reasons.

Yet here he was contemplating what it would be like to spend time with this intriguing woman he hadn’t even met. He certainly didn’t want to ask his meddling sister-in-law for an introduction. His brother Daniel and Erin hadn’t been married for long, and she already seemed determined to find matches for Adam and his other two brothers. Adam needed to keep Erin out of his love life, albeit a currently non-existent one.

The girl handed the rabbit back to Erin, and the next thing he knew, Erin led her across the tent and placed a ragged-looking cat in her arms. No! Surely she wasn’t going to adopt that mangy cat. Adam was totally allergic to cats. How could he spend time with this girl if she had a cat? He had to stop her.

Adam glanced around, in a panic. The dog pen had been almost full earlier in the day, the cute fluffy puppies the first to go. Currently, the few remaining unadopted dogs were out and about with the volunteers. Only one dog remained behind in the pen, a huge beast resembling a shaggy bear. The dog regarded Adam with wary eyes, as if he knew what Adam was planning.

It doesn’t matter. He can’t talk.

Adam spotted the owner of Finding Forever Animal Shelter. “Hey Brent. Mind if I take this dog for a quick walk?”

Brent lifted an eyebrow. “You mean, Kujo? Sure thing. I’d love to find him a good home. He needs a place in the country, like yours—a place where he can run.”

“I’m not making any promises.”

“Oh.” Brent looked so disappointed Adam felt like a heel.

“Actually, Brent, I know someone else who might be an even better fit. Just give me a few minutes with him.”

Brent shrugged, handing Adam a leash. Adam led Kujo along, approaching the girl from behind, just as his sister-in-law disappeared. Great timing!

He cleared his throat. “Hi there.” Clever opening line. No wonder you don’t have a girlfriend.

She jumped about a foot in the air, whipping around to face him with the gargantuan blanket of motley fur in her arms. She was even more attractive up close. Those blue eyes were like lakes of water, inviting him for a swim. And she was so tiny, he wanted to swoop her into his arms, just to see how little she weighed. Or perhaps to see how good it felt to hold her.

“You scared me!”

“Sorry about that. I... uh... I wanted to warn you before it was too late. You’re not planning to adopt that cat, are you?”

“As a matter of fact, I am. Why shouldn’t I?” She lifted her chin, somehow managing to look down her nose at him while he towered over her. It was so adorable, he couldn’t help smiling.

“You might want to consider other options... better options... A dog, perhaps?” Adam swept his arm back in a grand gesture toward Kujo. “Perhaps this cute guy—he could be a companion and provide protection from... from criminals.”

Her plump kissable lips made a surprised O. “Is there a lot of crime, here?”

“Mmm... not usually, but you never know. Just to be on the safe side, you should consider getting a watch dog.”

Kujo let out a deep woof that rattled Adam’s ribcage, and the cat shrieked, struggling in the girl’s arms. She edged away a few steps.

“I think I need protection from that monster, not by him. Anyway, I’m happy with my choice.”

“Why would you want a cat when you could have a dog? Dogs are so much better.”

“I like cats.” Her eyes narrowed to angry blue slits.

Adam knew he wasn’t making a good first impression, but he figured he could make up for it later. After he prevented this disastrous adoption. Desperate times—desperate measures.

“But a dog loves you, while a cat merely tolerates your existence as a slave.”

“Dogs slobber on your clothes and chew up your shoes.”