“But I don’t think Adam’s dated anyone since he and Darla broke off their engagement a few years ago.”

“Well, I’m pretty sure he won’t want me to come to dinner. I don’t think he was just brooding—I think he pointed that scowl right at me. Partly because he doesn’t like Lucky and partly because I don’t like antiques.”

“Ha! Makes sense, because he’s allergic to cats and restores antiques for a living. But even though he looks stern and grumpy, Adam is a real softy inside. And you know what? He could have been a little sad seeing someone else living in his grandmother’s house. He spent more time with her than any of his brothers. But he would never hold that against you—he’s not like that.”

“His grandmother’s house?”

“Yeah. Donna’s mother was Caroline Scott, the lady I told you about, who owned the house before you bought it.”

Every drop of saliva disappeared from Ash’s mouth.

I have a family.

Then her stomach turned sour.

Adam Walker is my cousin.

Chapter Four


Ash couldn’t think of any other word to describe sitting at the dinner table with a group of people who had no idea she was related to them. Mostly, she enjoyed listening to the conversation, and no one pressured her to say much—thank goodness.

On one hand, watching the loving family interact with casual joking and friendly chatter, she longed to confess the truth, hoping to be accepted into the fold. What would it feel like to be part of a real loving family?

On the other hand, she knew her mother had never even acknowledged her family’s existence. Certainly, Ash’s relatives hadn’t shown up when her mother overdosed, sending her into the Texas foster system. Had she been rejected because of her mother’s actions? What would they say if they knew the truth about who she was?

The long benches on either side of the rustic wood table would easily seat four people each—five if folks got cozy. Tonight, however, there were three people to a side, with Donna and Mark in chairs at opposite ends. Ash sat on the corner of the bench near Aunt Donna, with Erin beside her. Ash recognized her aunt’s blue eyes from the picture she’d found in her grandmother’s basement, though Donna’s dark blond hair now had sprinkles of grey. Next to Erin was her husband Daniel, Adam’s twin brother. But it was clear the two were fraternal twins, not identical. Daniel’s hair was lighter brown and board straight, compared to Adam’s wavy dark brown. And where Adam had eyes so dark you couldn’t see the pupils, Daniel’s were hazel.

True to her word, Erin orchestrated the seating, sending Adam to the opposite bench corner between his dad and his two younger brothers. Unfortunately, this seating arrangement made it all too easy for Ash to sneak glances at her handsome cousin, especially since he avoided eye contact as if she were a deadly cobra. She ought to consider this fortunate, since she could never date him, anyway.

Just her luck—the hottest guy she’d ever met turned out to be her first cousin. She’d always longed for a family, and look what happened when she finally got one. Someone up in heaven must be having a great laugh about now.

Nonetheless, she enjoyed the delicious home-cooked meal, and made a mental note to ask Donna for her Derby Pie recipe. She took another healthy-sized bite, savoring the scrumptious dessert. Nuts and chocolate—how could you go wrong?

“Ash...” Donna’s voice broke into Ash’s reverie. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone with that name before. Is it your real name or a nickname?”

All eyes turned her way, even Adam’s, and heat crept from Ash’s neck up to her cheeks. “My ini

tials are A.S.H., so I go by Ash instead of my first name.”

“I like it,” Erin declared. “It sounds kind of hip because it’s unusual.”

“What’s your real name?” Adam’s tone held a harsh edge.

“Uhmm...” Ash was so surprised to find him speaking to her that she almost forgot to answer. Refusing to be cowed, she lifted her chin. “It’s Annalee.”

“That’s a beautiful name, too.” Donna’s genuine smile warmed her heart.

“I’ve always thought it was too old fashioned. I use Ash because it sounds more trendy.” The fact was, when Ash moved to New York City, she’d wanted a clean break from her old life and all the bad memories it entailed. But she was desperate to please her new aunt. “But you can call me Annalee if you want to.”

“Oh no—I’m happy to call you Ash, dear.”

“I say trendiness is highly overrated.” Adam threw the phrase at her, his eyes flashing. “I prefer Annalee.”

Though Ash knew he was attempting to get a rise out of her, referring to her earlier assessment of antiques, she couldn’t keep her mouth shut.

“Perhaps your preference is highly overrated.”