“Dad and I are on our way. We’re all so excited! Do you have any idea what Ash is planning to announce at this family meeting?”

“None whatsoever. Maybe she got engaged to Ryan Cooper.” His tone was bitter, but he didn’t care.

“Oh, I hope not. That boy doesn’t have the best reputation. Sheila Fields told me—”

“Mom, I don’t want to hear the latest gossip about Ryan Cooper. I just want to get this announcement over with and get back to work.”

“You’re not even slightly curious?”

“Don’t you remember the old saying, curiosity killed the cat? On second thought, that might be a good idea. I wouldn’t mind killing that cat of hers.”

“Adam, I know you don’t mean that—you love animals.”

“Yes, but I don’t love allergic reactions.”

“I thought you decided to take allergy shots.”

“I did. But I just started a week ago, and it doesn’t work overnight.” He winced, remembering he had another allergy appointment that afternoon. I hate shots!

“Does Ash know you have a thing for her?”

Heat rose into Adam’s face. “Mom! I don’t have a thing for her.”

“Don’t be silly, Adam. You can’t hide something like that from your mother.”


“Don’t worry—I’m not planning to tell her. I just wondered if you ever mentioned it to her. If not, this might be a good time.”

“Donna!” Adam’s dad used a reprimanding tone, but both men knew his mom had a mind of her own.

“Okay, I won’t say any more about it.”

Unconvinced, despite her assurance, Adam groaned as a steady throb set in behind his eyes.

He ended the call and rifled through the center console for some ibuprofen. But when he pulled into town ten minutes later, his head still pounded.

Perhaps that’s why he blinked hard, trying to clear his vision, when he drove up to his Grammy’s house. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Dressed in the conventional Queen Anne colors, with muted shades of beige, grey, burgundy, and deep green, highlighting her architectural beauty, she stood proudly in the morning sunlight. He had to force his jaw closed before he climbed out of his truck, crossing the street in stunned silence, his eyes fixed on the stately home.

“Don’t you love it?”

Erin’s voice startled him out of his astonishment as he climbed the stairs to join the rest of his family on the front porch. In typical fashion, his sister-in-law bounced on her toes, practically dancing with excitement.

Not quite trusting his voice, he nodded, casting a furtive glance at Ash, who looked taller than usual, sporting tall-heeled dress boots. Her downcast eyes were fixed on the papers she clutched in her hands.

He gulped a lump of cold air. “I think it’s beautiful.”

Ash looked up, her sparkling blue eyes glistening with unshed tears. One corner of her mouth quirked up in an adorable lopsided grin. “I’m glad.”

Her voice was so quiet, he wondered if he’d imagined her words.

Did Ash do this for me? Could this mean she cares for me, after all?

Adam knew he had a silly grin on his face, but he didn’t care. He didn’t mind that he’d gone seventy-two hours with hardly any sleep. He didn’t even give a flip if her cat sent him into a fit of sneezing and wheezing every day for the rest of his life. In a moment, he would take her face between his hands and kiss her, just as he’d been dreaming since he first set eyes on those pouty lips. He would gaze into her crystal eyes and see his own love mirrored in hers.

Adam nodded, sending encouraging vibes her way.

The papers shook in her fingers as she re-ordered them and cleared her throat. As she spoke, curly clouds of smoke floated in the cold air. “I know you’re all wondering why I invited the family here this morning. As you noticed, I painted the house.”