“Jake’s wedding!” Adam groaned aloud, wondering how thoughts of Ash had made him forget a wedding in which he was a groomsman. “I’ll be ready by five thirty. No, make that six, since I haven’t even packed.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it. Ash is way too wary to let someone like Ryan sweet talk his way into her life. I’m sure it’s just a business meeting, like she said.”

“Yeah... right.” Adam pounded on the antique nail, pretending it was Ryan Cooper’s nose.

Chapter Twelve

“THESE LOOK GREAT, RYAN! Thanks for getting it done so fast.” Ash could barely contain her excitement, as she sat beside him on the couch, scanning the architectural plans. The new home would be perfect for housing lots of children. “I can’t believe you squeezed in six good-sized bedrooms, plus a nice master.”

Ash had no doubt she made the right decision. The house had done its job for her—it had brought her to her family. Now the stately home needed to go back to the one man who would use it for good—Adam Walker.

Stalling for time as she contracted Ryan Cooper to draw up new designs for the Scott house, Ash pretended she was going ahead with the restaurant. In order to explain why she hadn’t painted the exterior, she continued to argue with Adam about the paint color, enjoying his flabbergasted expression at each new outrageous color scheme she suggested.

Ash planned to have the exterior painted as a surprise for him, and this weekend would be the perfect time to do it, while Adam was away for a friend’s wedding.

She hummed a tune, imagining the look on Adam’s face Monday morning when he saw his Grammy’s house, painted in a traditional Queen Anne color scheme Ryan had recommended. And then, when she gave Adam the new house plans and presented the key, he would be so overcome with joy, he might struggle to fight back tears. Aunt Donna would cry for certain, because Ash planned to invite the whole family. It would be epic.

“What about your dream of having your own restaurant?” Maggie had asked after informing Ash she’d lost her mind.

“I’m only twenty-six years old. I have the rest of my life to start a restaurant. Adam deserves to have this house.”

“Doesn’t he need to be married before he can adopt kids?”

“Yes, but that won’t take long to happen. Erin said every woman in town wants to marry him, and I can certainly understand why. Once he realizes his dream can come true, he’ll find a wife in no time.” Ash told herself the sick feeling in her stomach had nothing to do with jealousy, but instead pertained to how much she would miss her new family when she moved back to New York.

Ash knew she had no choice but to move away. As much as she wanted to stay near her family, she needed a job. She was fortunate her old restaurant had told her she was welcome back any time if things didn’t work out. Maggie hadn’t found a new roommate, either, so obviously, it was meant to be.

“I’m glad you like the plans.”

Ash jumped when Ryan’s voice came from so close to her ear.

“I should let you get back to work.” She tried to stand, but his hand gripped her shoulder. He sat so close, her attempt to glare at him only resulted in her eyes crossing.

“I’m in no hurry. I was hoping to learn more about you.” He whispered into her ear. “I find you absolutely... fascinating.”

Loud knocks sounded from the front door, and Ash extricated herself from his grasp. “I need to answer that.”

With a sigh of relief, she hurried to the door, wondering how she could rid herself of the cocky architect. She flung the door open and sucked in an involuntary breath. Adam stood on the porch, his scowl even darker than normal.

“Ash, can I speak to you for a moment?”

With her mind spinning in search of a way out, she fumbled for words. She couldn’t let Adam discover the architectural plans Ryan had drawn for her. It would totally spoil the surprise on Monday.

“As a matter of fact, I’m busy right now. Give me a call later.”

She swung the door closed, but it thudded to a stop. Though she pushed harder, it wouldn’t budge. At last she found the obstruction... Adam’s foot.

Glaring through the opening, she prepared to lambast him with her best how-dare-you-do-such-a-thing. Before she could speak a word, Kujo squeezed his way past her, bounding inside with his leash dangling behind, his deafening barks accompanied by Lucky’s terrorized screeches.

“Who’s at the door?” Ryan came up behind her and peered over her shoulder. “Hey, Walker. What’s up?”

“What’s he doing here?” With his face red and blood vessels bulging on his temples as if he were holding his breath, Adam directed the question to Ash.

Ryan’s hand fell on her shoulder. “I’m working on some plans for—”

“Some plans for dinner.” Ash interrupted, twisting to slide her arm around Ryan’s waist. “Ryan’s taking me out tonight.”

“I am?” His smile gave her the shivers, as did his hand, which moved up to caress her arm.