“Yeah, I don’t feel well. Upset stomach.” She put a hand on her tummy, which was certainly churning, now.

“You came out here awfully early, and now you’re going home. Kind of feels like you might be trying to avoid me.”

She mumbled under her breath, “Trying, but not succeeding.”



“Ash, would you look at me, please?”

She looked. Big mistake. Despicably handsome, with a five-o’clock shadow dusting his face, his pleading eyes wore at her resistance.

“Talk to me, Ash.”

“I’ve already had a long talk with your mom, and she’s going to explain everything. I don’t want to go through it all again.”

“Go through all what again? Why can’t you just tell me? Why do I have to hear it from her?”

It was useless to protest. She might as well tell him face to face, and get it over with.

“Fine! Here it is... I’m your cousin. I’ve known about it since last Sunday, and I didn’t tell you.”

His jaw dropped as he stared, blinking as if he was trying to wake up from a dream.

“My cousin?”

“Your first cousin. My mother and your mother were sisters. Your grandmother left the house to my mom and she’s dead, so it went to me. Now I’m going to give it back to you, so will you let me go?” She started the car, anxious to get away before he started yelling.

Then his entire torso leaned inside the car window, reaching to turn off the ignition and snatch the keys.


Her protest was met with an outstretched hand, beckoning to her. She followed the arm up to Adam’s face, his expression gentle and concerned, his fathomless eyes boring into her soul. The ache in her chest was unbearable.

Stop making me want what I can never have.

“Come talk to me.”

His voice was soft, but held no question—this was a command. She wanted to obey, but she knew it would only make the pain worse.

“I can’t. I have to go.”

“Please, Ash. I need this.”

With that single word, he won the argument. She could never deny him something he needed. At least no smug expression mocked her as she took his hand and climbed out of the car.

She didn’t know how it happened. Had he pulled her or had she thrown herself against him? Somehow she was in his arms, tears streaming down her face, while his hand stroked her hair and soft soothing words whispered in her ear.

It felt so good she stopped fighting, relaxing in the protective cloak of his embrace. She shut out the voice inside her head, the one that reminded her this could never be real.


Ash had taken four ibuprofens, yet her head still throbbed.

“What happened? Your aunt and uncle got angry when you told them?”

“Not at all. Turns out Aunt Donna and Uncle Mark already knew about me. She was super sweet and encouraging. The problem was Adam.”