He shook his head at her bemusing words. “Are you ready for the next event?”

“Depends... Is that one where we discuss paint colors?”

“No, it’s where you really get to see the Willamette Valley... and more. I hope you’re not afraid of heights.”

“I’m not. I love skyscrapers and balconies—the higher the better. Are we going to climb a mountain?”

“No, we’re going to take a helicopter ride.”

Tears sprang to her eyes before she could stop them. “Are you teasing me?”

“No, but...” He stopped in front of her and lifted her hands into his. “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. I didn’t realize it would scare you.”

“I’m not scared. It’s just...” She swiped at her eyes. “How did you know I’ve always wanted to go on a helicopter ride? But I can’t let you do that—I’ll pay for my ticket.” She opened her small purse, hoping she’d remembered to put her credit card back in her wallet.

“Put that away.” He snatched the purse from her hands. “You can’t pay—it’s a birthday present.”

She almost swallowed her tongue. “How did you know?”

He tapped his forehead, his eyebrows dancing. “I know lots of things.”

What else does he know? “Still, it’s too expensive. We’re supposed to be spending time together as friends.”

“I said we’re friends, and I meant it! I can afford it, so stop arguing.”

His dark-eyed glower should’ve frightened her, but she was growing accustomed to his stern countenance, realizing it covered up a soft heart. She’d begun to make a game of coaxing a smile from him, hoping for a peek at those enticing dimples.

“Okay. You can pay.”

“Good.” His shoulders relaxed, but his smile evaded her.

“Tell me how you knew about my birthday. Have you been talking to Maggie, somehow?”

Her question lured out a self-satisfied grin, dimples and all. “I saw it on your building permit when your contractor filed it at city hall.”

Ash’s heart jumped into her throat. Was her middle name on any of that paperwork? If he saw Annalee Scott Hendrix would he guess her connection to their mutual grandmother, Caroline Scott? She had to con

fess the truth to Donna tomorrow, before he found out from some other source. He was being so nice, she felt like a heel for hiding the truth.

“Hey...” His fingers brushed her cheek. “Are you okay? Did I frighten you, somehow? I promise I’m not stalking you or anything.”

She trembled at his gentle touch, hating the way her face displayed every emotion for all to see. “No, I’m fine.”

“Then we should get going before we miss our flight time. I’ve got some granola bars we can eat on the drive to tide us over ‘til afterwards. And I know a great place for a late lunch.”

She hurried toward the truck before he was tempted to put his hand on her back again, especially since she was tempted to let him. “And when are we discussing paint colors?” She glanced over her shoulder and caught him grinning.

“By the time I’m done with you today, I expect you’ll be happy with any paint color I suggest.”

She chuckled. “You’re the city official. Aren’t I supposed to be the one bribing you?”

“You shouldn’t be surprised that a small country town like Romance does everything backwards, including our bribes.”

“In that case, I hope our helicopter pilot was trained in a big city.”

ADAM RISKED A GLANCE at Ash, who sagged in her seat as he drove her home, the setting sun casting soft shadows on her rosy cheeks.

“Sorry if I made you overdo it today. You look a little tired.”