Ash spit into the sink. “Oh he’s hot, no doubt about it, but I can’t let myself think of him that way.”

“Let me get this straight. He’s hot, but you’re trying not to have the hots for him. And you want him to like you, but you don’t want him to like you.” Maggie let her voice go gravelly on the second like.



A long, low whistle sounded through the phone. “Ash, you are in so much trouble.”

“That’s why I’m freaking out here.”

“Listen Ash, I’ve been doing some research, and I have a solution.”

“What?” Ash was wary of the amused tone in her friend’s voice.

“It turns out you can legally marry your first cousin in New York. So you and Adam can come here and get married and then go back to Oregon.”

“Right. And then we can live happily ever after and have deformed children.”

Maggie snickered. “You could always adopt.”

“Maggie, be serious here.”

“Okay, okay. I’m being serious. I think you should look on the bright side... at least you won’t be all alone on your twenty-sixth birthday.”

“It’s not like anybody knows about it.”

“Well, you could casually mention it to Adam.”

“I’ve already done enough mortifying things around him, I’m not going to beg for attention on my birthday.” Ash walked back to her window, watching the cars drive by on Scott Street.

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know, but I better figure it out fast.” Ash spotted Adam getting out of a truck across the street, and her heart started hammering out a jazz pattern. “He’s here.”

Maggie’s laugh rang in her ear.

“Why are you laughing? It’s not funny.”

“Yes it is! I can’t help laughing. You’re the only person I know who gets in these predicaments. I say, you should just tell him the truth today.”

“What am I supposed to say?”

“How about, ‘Hey Adam. Guess what? I’m your long-lost cousin.’”

“I need to tell my aunt first. I think I owe her that much.” A knock sounded down below at the front door.

“I think sooner is better than later. They’ve already been around you enough to know you’re nothing like your mother was. I think they’ll accept you just fine.”

“Well, I’m invited back to dinner again tomorrow night. Maybe I’ll go early and try to talk to Aunt Donna alone.” The knocking got louder. “Gotta go, Maggie. Thanks for listening.”

Ash bounded downstairs just as one of the painters opened the door and Adam stomped his way inside.

“Hey,” she said breathlessly, as the painter went back to his roller. “Sorry I kept you waiting. I was upstairs.”

“I see you’re going ahead with the inside painting.”

She assumed his frown meant he didn’t approve of the inside paint color, either. “They’re just priming right now. The real color is a little darker beige—I think it’s called English Breakfast with Cream. It’s pretty boring, but I’ve planned some fun accent colors. That whole wall over there will be red.”