“No. I’m fine.” He flashed his knee-weakening dimples. Lucky she was sitting down. “I’d rather take a walk with you.”

She took the hand he offered, but noticed he winced when he helped her stand up. “Cord, you lied to me. You’re hurt!”

“I promise to go to the hospital later. I’ll even let you drive me. But don’t you think we need to talk?”

She looked down to their joined hands and whispered, “Yes.”

Fingers laced together, he led her away from the bright lights of the arena, down the path that wound around toward the river, with the moon lighting their way. His gait was definitely slower than usual, though steady, and she worried that he was hiding how badly he was injured.

As the noise of the crowd faded, only the chirps of crickets and frogs rang in their ears. He was quiet, probably waiting for her to apologize. For once, she was ready to swallow her pride.

“I’m sorry, Cord. I’m sorry for everything.”


His solemn expression tore at her heart. She must’ve hurt his feelings even worse than she realized.

“Everything. For what I said this morning. For letting Parker come. For not being honest.”

“Will you tell me the truth?” His voice shook with emotion. “Are you still in love with Parker?”

“No.” Her answer was quick and firm, but he didn’t respond. What was he thinking? At least he was still holding her hand. Surely that was a good sign.

“How do you feel about me?” he asked.

With her face burning, she was glad for the cover of darkness. “I like you.”

Why did my voice come out weird and raspy? He probably thinks I’m trying to sound seductive.

They walked on in silence, and she got more embarrassed with every step. He hadn’t replied, and she knew why. He must not like her anymore. He must be trying to figure out how to let her down easy. After what seemed like an hour—probably more like sixty seconds—she jerked to a stop, ripping her hand from his grasp.

“Why don’t you say something? If you can’t forgive me, I can take it. Just tell me what you’re thinking.”

His sigh was deep and heavy. He reached for her hands and lifted them together to press his lips to her fingers. “I don’t know what to say. Because tonight, I realized I’ve been taking my life for granted. So I want to be honest and tell you how I really feel, but I don’t know how you’ll react.

“Try me,” she breathed, listening to him, over the noisy pulse in her ear. “Tell me the truth.”

“How about if I show you?”

His hands rose and cupped her face, the fingers of one hand sliding along her jaw to tilt her chin up, leaving a trail of burning lava behind. Even in the moonlight, his eyes sparkled, drawing her into their crystal depths. His mouth lowered to her ear, his warm breath sending tingles down her spine.

“You’re so beautiful, Jess. Just looking at you makes my heart ache. I have to touch you to believe you’re real.”

Tears sprang to her eyes. “Nobody’s ever called me beautiful before.”

“Then every other guy was either blind or stupid, because you’re incredible. And the amazing thing is you’re beautiful on the inside, too.”

His lips moved in a scalding line from her ear, along her cheek, to her mouth. When he pressed his lips to hers, it felt as if their souls were singing together. His kiss, tender at first, then hungry, triggered exploding stars under her eyelids. His hand tangled in her hair, pulling her against him as he deepened the kiss. Blood rushed to her head, and the world tilted. She clung to him against the dizzying flood of sensations, her arms wrapped around his back.

He let out a moan. “Ow… my ribs…”

“I’m so sorry!” She pulled away. “I forgot you were injured.”

“I don’t care about the pain. It hurts way more to be without you.” He reached for her hands and kissed each one, placing them firmly around his neck. “I don’t ever want to feel that again. Not ever.”

His hands cradled her head as he looked deep into her eyes. “I love you, Jessica.”

Her heart thumped against her ribcage, warmth rushing through her veins. “I—”